Recent content by Jaxy

  1. Jaxy

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    Socalism of the USSR and modern democractic socalism are different though...if we judge everybody by a historical stroke of a brush, all Catholics aredently hate Protestants and want to kill them all of
  2. Jaxy

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    Theyre litreally saving my life as I speak....if the NHS didnt exist, the treatment I need would most likely cost thousands, tens of thousands or even possibly hundreds of thousands of pounds....yes the waiting lists are long, but these issues have only occured after the convservative goverment...
  3. Jaxy

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    I mean socialist ideals....taxing the richer, universal healthcare, ect
  4. Jaxy

    Socalism & Christianity, a perfect match or a complete clash of ideologies?

    I, myself, am a socalist and have been for many many years and firmly believe that a more socalist society would be better then the current one. Since I have started to study the Bible, I personally believe the Bible renforces my ideas of socalism as it talks about caring for one another, loving...
  5. Jaxy

    I have a question I can't get my head around

    I am very confused what is happening.
  6. Jaxy

    I have a question I can't get my head around

    I am not going to read this anymore...if anyone wants to geuinly help, contact me somehow else
  7. Jaxy

    I have a question I can't get my head around

    To be honest, I'm struggling
  8. Jaxy

    What Order Should a New Christian Read the Bible in?

    I love making timetables!
  9. Jaxy

    I have a question I can't get my head around

    Im sturglging to to be honest
  10. Jaxy

    I have a question I can't get my head around

    Mine would be closest to Apsgers Syndrome...aka helpelss in social situations and the like but I have memory and bank and thirst of knowledge that is much much higher then everyone else
  11. Jaxy

    Advice for New Christian?

  12. Jaxy

    What Order Should a New Christian Read the Bible in?

    What Order Should a New Christian Read the Bible in? I have recently discoered faith and really want to read the Bible but not sure what order to go in fully!