Recent content by Lady4Him

  1. Lady4Him

    He is ALWAYS the Same

    Yesterday in church we sang the hymn “Is Not This the Land of Beulah”. It’s a very beautiful song. One of the verses makes the statement, “broken vows and disappointments thickly sprinkled all the way, but his spirit has lead unerring to the land I hold today.” This made me think of Hebrews...
  2. Lady4Him

    Psalm 62:8

    "Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us" (Psalm 62:8 KJV). This is the scripture that was sent to me this morning. It has been an encouragement to me throughout the day and it served as an amazing reminder. God cares about what is happening...
  3. Lady4Him

    Being Still

    I have an app on my phone that sends me a daily scripture. Today’s scripture was found in Exodus 14:14. “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still” (NIV) While I was reading that, my mind also went to Psalm 46:10. I needed this scripture this morning. It was like God was saying to...
  4. Lady4Him

    God's Protection

    I’m thankful that God knows what he’s doing and what is best for our lives. I’m so thankful for his protection throughout my life. Today I learned of a situation of somebody I used to be involved with. The Lord got me away from the individual a few years back. At the time my heart was broken...
  5. Lady4Him

    Always Available

    Today I was reading Psalm 121 and felt comforted. The whole psalm is very encouraging, but verses 3-5 really stood out to me. God will keep us and uphold us. We can go to him day or night. We have people in our lives that tell us to give them a call if we need them, but schedules become an issue...
  6. Lady4Him

    No More

    Last night, a friend and I were sharing our thoughts on Revelation 21:4. I think that is is one of the most beautiful verses in the Bible. The thought of having all of the pain in our lives taken away. Not only will it be taken away, but there will be no chance of it returning. All of the wrong...
  7. Lady4Him

    Sharing my Heart

    I know there will be some who will disagree with me on this issue, but that’s your right and please be respectful as this is what I feel that God has laid on my heart today. I only like to post when I feel that it’s been laid on my heart and this has been laid on my heart. Usually the things...
  8. Lady4Him

    Stay Focused, He Knows What You Need!

    There’s been something on my heart the past few days. I’ve been thinking about a passage of scripture found in Matthew 6:25-33. God knows every little thing about us. This includes our needs, pain, desires, wants, etc. I was also was thinking about Job and Peter. Job stayed focused on God, even...
  9. Lady4Him

    Forgiving One Another

    While going through my Facebook feed this morning, I ran across a photo that said, “Forgive others as quickly as you expect God to forgive you.” Made me think of Ephesians 4:32 which says, “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath...
  10. Lady4Him

    Prayer please

    Just asking if you all would please help me pray about a few of situations that have presented themselves. One is for a family member that is struggling. Another is for a ministry that a couple others and myself are trying to start in our church. The third is for me. Prayer would be appreciated...
  11. Lady4Him

    Be Thou My Vision

    This verse to "Be Thou My Vision" has been playing over and over in my mind the past few days. Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise Thou mine Inheritance, now and always Thou and Thou only, first in my heart High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art This verse to me shows true...
  12. Lady4Him

    He cares

    I'm so thankful that God cares about the little things in my life as well as the big things. I'm so glad that I can take all of my cares and burdens to him. He cares when I'm stressed, when I'm feeling low. I'm so thankful for his consistency in my life. I know that I can always bring the things...
  13. Lady4Him

    For my Grandma

    First off, I do want to thank the Lord for touching my grandma and bringing her through physically and how he's been continuing to heal her. She is getting around pretty good and has finally been approved for an aide to come in and help her out during the day when we can't be there with her. It...
  14. Lady4Him

    Where are all the single christian men?!

    This is a good one too!
  15. Lady4Him

    Where are all the single christian men?!

    Perhaps this could help! Be content in the Lord first, wherever you are in your life and trust him.