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  1. nowyouseem033


    Can one be absolutely CERTAIN of there own salvation? Ive heard that only absolute certainty is Gods and Gods alone.... We can be confident but do we have absolute knowledge that we are saved now and in the future.
  2. nowyouseem033

    Name the closest cult to where you live?

    Mine is a sikh temple. Anybody else???
  3. nowyouseem033

    Rep POWER

    Who has the highest rep power you know of? List there names. Or is there a limit?
  4. nowyouseem033

    Unconditional Election or Conditional Election

    Moving on from the previous thread of Total Depravity we end on the TULIP acronym, letter U. U standing for Unconditional Election... What scriptures and arguments are there to support Election being 1) Unconditional or 2) Conditional? If one starts with the premise that we cannot (unable)...
  5. nowyouseem033

    Revisiting the Dual Natures of Christ

    Context: I want to simply put forth a thread which encourages discussion, in particular, about the dual natures of Christ. What scripture is there to support this? Theologically known as duophysiticism or commonly known as the Hypostatic Union. My concern is not so much is Christ fully man and...
  6. nowyouseem033

    Calvinism - Total Depravity

    I know there is already discussion going on about this on other threads but i wanted to break it down at its key points and discuss biblically the accuracy or inaccuracy of Calvinism. I do this because it is such a vast topic to discuss with many different things which tie into each other and it...