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  1. BekahB5


    So I did strive for wholeness; in the form I took as broken pieces. The error of my ways is to fall into a pattern of allowing the company of nearly anyone who offers some attention. Distractions disguised as ambition. I have been on a mission; multiple strategies that took form of a treatment...
  2. BekahB5

    There is no Other way

    I have all I can want. I just want to want what I have completely. The truth is complete. How trivial are so many situations, yet, I find my emotions caught in the motions and I fail over and again to simply remain. In the present. In His presence. Word and thought pull me in so...
  3. BekahB5

    To Raise a Child

    So, when you have a childhood of abuse and neglect, it is difficult to raise children. For one, the abuse and neglect is kind of like ingrained, so it is impulsive response to the kids behavior and needs. This can be stopped if recognized, but then what I have seen is the other end of the...
  4. BekahB5

    job interview tomorrow

    pray for me ppl
  5. BekahB5


    TO all the single mothers out there, I want to offer a thread for support. God knows I need it!
  6. BekahB5

    Go Ahead and Vent

    This thread is designed to allow people to get things off their chest, hopefully without judgment (although I can't guarantee all will respect this). The idea is that is you have something bothering you, get it out. I'll start by talking about my Christmas gift: A Keurig So, for Christmas, we...
  7. BekahB5

    The Adventure

    We are placed in this life, on this orb we call earth, to journey in self discovery and thereby find out purpose. That we are created to recognize that we have a creator. We were equipped with the ability to obtain knowledge in this world and wisdom from the Creator. All this is so that we may...
  8. BekahB5


    How does one, upon discovering someone they care about is codependant, guide that person to the truth about themselves without damaging them further in the process?
  9. BekahB5

    You Guys

    You're a little brutal, but I like the challenge. :)
  10. BekahB5

    Out of Curiosity

  11. BekahB5

    Days like These

    It is days that are spacious, almost like a void, that I wrestle in. Restless movement. Thoughts are complex and never ceasing. Catatonia would almost seem preferable...but not quite...who am I kidding? Distractions are all I turn to. The simplest tasks become an excuse to engage in...
  12. BekahB5


    He speaks of his former relationship "Don't forget, I was a father"... He describes lightly the tasks of de-escalating, bathing, setting boundaries, and nurturing his former son with a major developmental disorder; as well as the boy's older siblings. The depth, though evasive, is not mistaken...
  13. BekahB5


    LIfe is temporary. The afterlife is eternal. So, why is it that life can so easily consume us? I used to push myself so hard. It was survival. I created goals and plans, methods to keep me looking forward and striving for a purpose. In the process, I ran from what my life had become as much...
  14. BekahB5

    My Eldest

    My first born daughter turned 13 today. It was anti-climatic. A couple of days ago I had some free time (a rare occurrence) instead of chilling in a coffee shop to write as I had fantasized, I ran around looking for a gift to get her until the inspiration dawned, and I settled on 100 dollars...
  15. BekahB5

    On Appearance

    As a Christian, I have experienced more than a polite amount of pressure to attend to my appearance by other other Christians. This always befuddles me. My first reaction is to feel shame and consider that the criticism comes from a caring individual; but it is sadly misplaced. I have struggled...
  16. BekahB5


    Hi. I am a single parent looking for support. I live in Ohio w my five kids. I am 33 years old and my kids are 13, 10, 9, 3, and's a hustle. Hit me up. Thanks!