Hey everyone,
Not that I'm that worried and sad about this, but my mother needs prayer. Long story short, she's lost her marbles.. And I don't mean literally, I mean figuratively and there is nothing I can personally do. She lives this vicious cycle and there is no breaking it. I don't want to talk about it really cause to be honest.. I have no emotional ties to her anymore. That's how often she's done this to someone... Or to me for that matter. But I don't want her dead either. She just needs help to see Jesus and follow him and keep going even though the enemy tries to steal kill and destroy... She can fight this, but this is HER battle And the sad part is she doesn't even know that. She believes she can do no wrong, that everything is everyone else's fault and not hers. Sigh...
Heaven help her, no one else can. And the only way she will ever change if she WANTS the change for herself.
Im done with my rant. I love my mother, don't get me wrong. But she 'runs away' every 6 months and she has no where else to go too... But my aunt who is a drug addict. She needs Jesus... Not doctors and perscription drugs..