.....and God's role is 100%
.....and God desires the wicked not to die but to repent/turn and live Eze 33:11
.....and God is willing all men come to repentance 2 Pet 3:9
.....and Christ died for every man Heb 2:9
.....then every man must be saved, not a single one lost. If not, why>
your line of thought doesn't paint the 'whole-picture', because another scripture says that
whoremongers, adulterers', murderers, etc, 'they will be cast into the 'lake of fire'.
I'm not willing that any of MY OWN children should disobey, but I know that they certainly
have their OWN WILL and will do as they please.
Jesus put the 'ball' in each of our corners, at different points, it's how we play the game
of Eternal Life or Eternal Death that determines our ultimate fate.