I was reading in Psalms one day and came across the very familiar Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” I have heard this sentence probably hundreds of times as it was used often in the church I went to as a child. As it happened, I was reading from the Complete Jewish Bible version which was taken from the original Hebrew and translated into English the way we normally talk, and it reads just a little differently than I was used to.
The CJB says it this way: “Create in me a clean heart, God; renew in me a resolute spirit.“ I’m content with “renew a right spirit within me” but I found it quite exciting to consider the wider implications involved with “renew a resolute spirit within me.” Looking up resolute, I found it even more descriptive than I thought! The dictionary says: admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
"she was resolute and unswerving"
synonyms: determined, purposeful, resolved, adamant, single-minded, firm, unswerving, unwavering, steadfast, staunch, stalwart, unfaltering, unhesitating, persistent, indefatigable, tenacious, strong-willed, unshakable; stubborn, dogged, obstinate, obdurate, inflexible, intransigent, implacable, unyielding, unrelenting; spirited, brave, bold, courageous, plucky, indomitable; informal gutsy, gutty, spunky, feisty; formal pertinacious
We are certainly asking for anything but apathy when we pray using the word resolute!
Just imagine the impact Christians would have on their communities, states, and our country, if we all had a resolute spirit renewed within us! And one more thought: “renewed” indicates a prior state, as in once existing but needing renewal – CPR for our formerly resolute spirit…
The CJB says it this way: “Create in me a clean heart, God; renew in me a resolute spirit.“ I’m content with “renew a right spirit within me” but I found it quite exciting to consider the wider implications involved with “renew a resolute spirit within me.” Looking up resolute, I found it even more descriptive than I thought! The dictionary says: admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
"she was resolute and unswerving"
synonyms: determined, purposeful, resolved, adamant, single-minded, firm, unswerving, unwavering, steadfast, staunch, stalwart, unfaltering, unhesitating, persistent, indefatigable, tenacious, strong-willed, unshakable; stubborn, dogged, obstinate, obdurate, inflexible, intransigent, implacable, unyielding, unrelenting; spirited, brave, bold, courageous, plucky, indomitable; informal gutsy, gutty, spunky, feisty; formal pertinacious
We are certainly asking for anything but apathy when we pray using the word resolute!
Just imagine the impact Christians would have on their communities, states, and our country, if we all had a resolute spirit renewed within us! And one more thought: “renewed” indicates a prior state, as in once existing but needing renewal – CPR for our formerly resolute spirit…