Dear Jesus, I praise you, I praise you God Our Father, I praise you and thank you for your Holy Spirit.
For everything we are, we do, we become, is of your caring hand, your creation.
For all that is, has been, will be, your gift.
What can we give you that is not already your gift to us?
In scripture it says, let us offer unto God a sacrifice of praise!
We give you this praise, all glory, all the love of our hearts!
We thankyou Lord Jesus, for your saving sacrifice, your salvtion!
We thankyou Father for your gift of life, your love, your mercy in Jesus, Your grace!
We thankyou for sending your Holy Spirit, the comforter, our guide, our teacher, filled with your power and gifts in Jesus Christ is Lord.
All is your Glory!
We Love you, Lord God Our Father!
God bless.