We understand some users are concerned about the vibrant and passionate debates and discussions that happen in this part of the forum. We understand that to some this may not look very Christian.
There is nothing wrong with discussion that is vibrant or passionate. So please don't be turned off by that.
On the other hand, we will step in if we see any of these.....
1. Blatant personal attacks. (This means actually attacking someone. It doesn't mean when someone fails to believe something you believe.)
2. Blatant false teachings against the essentials of our faith. (We'll allow some users for a time to discuss issues that are against the faith, but if time passes and they keep it up, they will be dealt with.)
3.Perverse talk and swearing.
If you see any of the things listed above, please report them, using the report thread link. But please don't report something if it's just an opinion you don't agree with. That kind of takes up time some of us could be giving to other areas of concern on the site.
Also, if you're going to report something to a moderator, please be sure you can specifically show where the offense is located and please make sure it fits within the list of things we step in for. It's very helpful for us if you just click the report post link.
When you contact us in the room about a post, we usually have no idea where to look to begin with and we don't have the time to read an entire thread to find the post that is offensive. The best thing you can do is just use the report thread link.
So please don't report things to us just because someone said something you disagree with and it makes you mad. Yet don't be hesitant to report something that fits the list of blatant offenses we should step in and address.
There is nothing wrong with discussion that is vibrant or passionate. So please don't be turned off by that.
On the other hand, we will step in if we see any of these.....
1. Blatant personal attacks. (This means actually attacking someone. It doesn't mean when someone fails to believe something you believe.)
2. Blatant false teachings against the essentials of our faith. (We'll allow some users for a time to discuss issues that are against the faith, but if time passes and they keep it up, they will be dealt with.)
3.Perverse talk and swearing.
If you see any of the things listed above, please report them, using the report thread link. But please don't report something if it's just an opinion you don't agree with. That kind of takes up time some of us could be giving to other areas of concern on the site.
Also, if you're going to report something to a moderator, please be sure you can specifically show where the offense is located and please make sure it fits within the list of things we step in for. It's very helpful for us if you just click the report post link.
When you contact us in the room about a post, we usually have no idea where to look to begin with and we don't have the time to read an entire thread to find the post that is offensive. The best thing you can do is just use the report thread link.
So please don't report things to us just because someone said something you disagree with and it makes you mad. Yet don't be hesitant to report something that fits the list of blatant offenses we should step in and address.
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