Jesus or God in the flesh which ever to your likening.. Said if you love me you will keep my commandments. So how do we show God we love him?? We keep his commandments
Jesus/God said if you believe in me you will do the works I do and greater works.. Also he said if you believe in me you will lay hands on the sick and they will recover , you will cast out devils, speak in new tongues and drink anything poisonous it will not hurt you.. So how do we show God we believe in him.. Wow amazing right so simple. These are your our God words is it not???
You are quoting from Mark 16:17-18, which according to modern Bible scholarship, is probably not even authentic. Mark 16:9-20 is only found in a later manuscripts. We certainly should not base doctrine on just these few verses.
When Jesus told His followers to follow His commandments, He was talking about how we are to love and serve one another. He wasn't talking about Mark 16:9-20.
Even if Mark 16:9-20 is actual Scripture, no one in the early church understood these verses as being tests of whether or not someone is obeys Jesus. No one was asked to drink poison to prove they were believers (in fact, that would be putting God to the test.)
In 1 Corinthians Paul specifically says that not all believers will speak in tongues. I do believe that tongues is one of the biblical spiritual gifts, and I believe that it is still available for believers today. However, I stand with Scripture -- with what Paul said -- the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts just as He chooses. Not everyone is going to speak in tongues. Paul talked about tongues as being one of the lesser gifts. Therefore, calling speaking in tongues a command of Jesus is wrong. It cannot be used as a litmus test for true believers.
As far as "casting out devils," this cannot be seen as a test for a true Christian either. If it were, it would imply that we were to go out actively looking for demons just so we could cast them out. No. That is putting the focus on the wrong thing.
As far as laying hands on the sick and praying for them -- that is a situation specific thing. If God calls someone to pray for someone, that is one thing. It is another to make an idol out of healing people. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that God will make the person recover. To believe that we can command God to heal someone, and that God has to obey us -- that's making things backwards, and it can cause a lot of harm. Because what happens if someone prays really hard and believes that the person will be healed, but God chooses to take them home to be with Him instead --- then what will the prayers be told? They will be told that it was their fault. They will be told they didn't have enough faith, or that they are not true Christians. So this cannot be used as proof that someone is a Christian.
You see, obeying Jesus is right -- but using these passages from Mark as "proof" is twisting things. Building a whole theology around these verses does a lot of spiritual harm to Christians, and it is putting the focus on the wrong thing. Our focus should be on the real gospel -- on Jesus Christ. Not on the spiritual gifts or any power that is given.
I believe he sent himself down just as a man. So mankind wouldn't have any excuses of why we didn't do such and such.. He model a way of life for us because he want us to still subdue the earth which was his plan for us from the beginning. I don't understand why others can't see this.. Did not all the 12 apostles do these thing? All 72 disciples ? The Corinth church? Paul also. Pleas share why they can do it but we can't?? Or do you believe they also was false teachers??
The goal of Jesus' coming here wasn't so that we would walk in power. Rather, Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we could be reconciled back to God.
The talk about subduing the earth is part of dominionism theology. That is part of another gospel, and it puts emphasis on humans and power. It's related to the Latter Rain/Manifest Sons of God doctrine. Our purpose on earth isn't to take dominion over the earth. It is to serve and worship God and to glorify Him.
Paul preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The apostles and those in the early church did do signs and wonders, under the power of the Holy Spirit. However, their primary aim was to preach Jesus Christ.
I never said that we can't be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do things....but if He does empower us, it is for the gospel. It is to build up the church. It isn't for our amusement. It isn't for proof that someone is a Christian. It doesn't take the place of the real gospel.
So the problem with those who preach the spiritual gifts isn't that they believe in the gifts. The problem is their emphasis. It is on the wrong thing, and it leads to bad theology, even heresy.