Was Elijah reasoning out of the scriptures when he mocked the worshippers of Baal and their god...very sarcastically I must say?
Was John reasoning out of the scriptures when he called the Pharisees vipers and snakes?
Was Jesus reasoning out of scriptures when he called them hypocrites, blind leaders of the blind, white washed coffins filled with dead men's bones?
ALL the above involved two parties...
1. It contained false teachers spreading lies and heresy.....<--anyone who teaches heresy
2. It involved the children of God being led by the Spirit of God...<----anyone being led by the spirit
YES WE ARE to reason out of the scriptures......it is equally consistent to use sarcasm that has a certain shock value when people refuse to submit to given truth.....
Someone might say (and I hate this saying) You catch more flies with honey over vinegar.....WELL WE ARE NOT trying to CATCH FLIES, but RATHER we are dealing with HUMAN SOULS and the ETERNITY to come....Some people will not reason, some will not listen to reason and or (dance) when the word of God is piped...
AND JOHN came crying in the wilderness.....THE AXE is laid to the root.....WHO hath warned the to flee O GENERATION of VIPERS<-----Reasoning according to JOHN...2nd only to JESUS in the kingdom of God!
Was John reasoning out of the scriptures when he called the Pharisees vipers and snakes?
Was Jesus reasoning out of scriptures when he called them hypocrites, blind leaders of the blind, white washed coffins filled with dead men's bones?
ALL the above involved two parties...
1. It contained false teachers spreading lies and heresy.....<--anyone who teaches heresy
2. It involved the children of God being led by the Spirit of God...<----anyone being led by the spirit
YES WE ARE to reason out of the scriptures......it is equally consistent to use sarcasm that has a certain shock value when people refuse to submit to given truth.....
Someone might say (and I hate this saying) You catch more flies with honey over vinegar.....WELL WE ARE NOT trying to CATCH FLIES, but RATHER we are dealing with HUMAN SOULS and the ETERNITY to come....Some people will not reason, some will not listen to reason and or (dance) when the word of God is piped...
AND JOHN came crying in the wilderness.....THE AXE is laid to the root.....WHO hath warned the to flee O GENERATION of VIPERS<-----Reasoning according to JOHN...2nd only to JESUS in the kingdom of God!