For those who think angels had sex with women, do you believe satan had sex with Eve? If not, why not? It's the same thing. If angels were partying down don't you think satan would want to get in on the action?
I do not believe Satan did. However, I do find that the fallen be they angels or be they human's all share sin and on the whole share depravity. Humans have and continue to have homosexuals' relations. They also have and continue to have relations with animals. Incest, you name it. God in fact made laws against such behavior.
The Lord said you are of your father the devil who was a liar and a murder. When it comes to exclusivity of sin be it from celestial or earthly I don't find that either has a line in the ground they will draw and say I won't cross that.
What about possession something I would say we both believe in I assume. How can a spiritual being take over ones body? Are they stopped from doing so because of kinds or species? Have they not possessed both human and beast? To you just a honest question would you find it harder to possess someone as a evil being or have sex with them? Do evil beings force themselves in such manners?
My overall take is that when I look at the nature of being fallen there is shared depravity be they spirit or flesh. So I do find that in such a state that to lie with someone or somethin God does not approve of is something they do. So to me it is not that crazy of a idea to read that fallen angels had sex with humans against God's will. As they have been out of God's will since they rebelled and show no signs of doing what is right and just.
So under the lens of being fallen I don't find anything beyond the pale for fallen man or fallen spirits.