Born again believers feel humbled not special.
They can feel both right? Or do you tell us how we feel too now? Not only are we told what we believe, but what we feel too. What an embarrassment to our King you guys are. We are told by Him we are to be known by our love for each other, and one group here is, kind of ironically, JUST LIKE the Democrats that they'd cuss on here. Arrogantly falsely accusing, virtue signaling, bullying, harshly condemning as if "better than", chaos seeking, self righteous Pharisees that are here to set everyone strait because they have it ALL figured out. It is unbelievable how you "brothers" treat people on here. And you can compare what you say to God all you want, but Jesus would frown on this BS, and He tells us to love each other as we would ourselves.
LOL "the CC democrats", that's what we should call you guys because you act JUST LIKE THEM, not anything like Jesus at all. I say that's what we should call you, "the CC democrats", but I'm done with this mess for a while I think. There are a lot of people here that I truly love and respect, but I can't stand to see this kind of "favoritism, who donates more gets away with more, good ol' boy clique" crap that I'm just seeing clearly for the first time. The way you guys speak to others as if YOU are Gods is just too much. Jumping on so many, damning them to hell over and over and over, and I've seen others banned for WAY less. You guys are actually SEEKING conflict and I am finding it too hard to not get sucked into it. I'm going to have to take a step back I think because of the way DC and crew, the "CC Democrats" , attack relentlessly without EVER ENGAGING with the peoples actual words, never actually talking with them and learning how they see it, but actually TELLING THEM WHAT THEY BELIEVE before they go on to verbally bash the person into the ground. No room for teaching, no room for compassion. They will not be a peacemaker, will not listen, will not show and ounce of compassion, you know maybe a little bit like Jesus taught. What a joke, but they will go on to tell you what YOU believe, tell you how YOU feel, and go on to tell you "this is why you are damned to hell". LOL, they do this because you wont repeat
their mantra.
This is insane. You know what DC and crew? You win, I'm out, I won't stay around to pollute your perfect site here, you guys win and are driving out a "badguy". I truly hope the site is all richer for it. Keep fighting the good fight and driving away these stinking professors of Jesus Christ. God needs you down here, making sure everything is going how you say He planned it. I have just had enough of it, and what's worse is I keep letting myself get sucked into it, and hate it. I HATE the way I act trying to have a true conversation with this crew, so I am going to take a few away from here. I love this community and if not banned for this comment I will keep checking it from time to time, but please feel free to message me for my Facebook and Youtube addresses. I'd love to see you. Everyone, especially "The CC Democrats", have a great day, and do everything you can to glorify our King. See Ya!!!............