In Jesus' parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man calls Abraham "Father" and Abraham calls the rich man "Child" and tells him that if his brothers do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead. And since Jesus rose from the dead, this suggests there is no difference before or after his resurrection. Angels carried Lazarus into Abraham's bosom and the rich man was in Hades (with the word explained as the place of departed souls as well as reference to the basis of a touch-stone (and I've gathered a black-stone as opposed to a white-stone), and expresses his pain while Abraham declares Abraham's comfort.
Personally, I do believe this is temporary since everyone is eventually resurrected as "all who are in their graves will hear His voice (John 5:28)" and it is the lake of fire that is permanent, the second death (Rev 20:14), which has no power over those who share in the first resurrection, and these are those in Christ. And since the anti-Christ and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire, and all those not written in the Book of Life (those 'out of' Christ, considering He IS the "I Am," i.e. Existence) Daniel 7:11 tells us of the beast slain and its body destroyed, and so will die (be dead) forever. Those in the first resurrection's bodies will not be touched by this fire, they will live forever.
Personally, I do believe this is temporary since everyone is eventually resurrected as "all who are in their graves will hear His voice (John 5:28)" and it is the lake of fire that is permanent, the second death (Rev 20:14), which has no power over those who share in the first resurrection, and these are those in Christ. And since the anti-Christ and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire, and all those not written in the Book of Life (those 'out of' Christ, considering He IS the "I Am," i.e. Existence) Daniel 7:11 tells us of the beast slain and its body destroyed, and so will die (be dead) forever. Those in the first resurrection's bodies will not be touched by this fire, they will live forever.
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