Luke 14:14 This is a statement of fact; no more and no less. And since it is the word of God, it is a TRUE fact.
But what is the intent of the speaker? Will your reward be given the instant your are caught up into the air? I don't think that is the intent here. The meaning is, the saints will get their reward during the millennial reign. Of course there is a more obvious meaning: any righteous that has died will certainly be resurrected. WHO is this verse pointing to? Since it is still Old Testament, it is pointed to the Jews. Remember Mary and Martha? They certainly believed that at some point in time there would be a resurrection day for the righteous.
To use this verse to prove there can only be ONE resurrection for the righteous is very poor exegesis.
And Jesus and Paul agreed on the FACT that there is just ONE resurrection of the saved. Acts 24:15 and 1 Cor 15:23.
Why can't you agree with Jesus and Paul?
It was not written to answer that question.
A better place to answer this question is to look at various resurrections and see what is written about them.
Luke 14:14, Acts 24:15, 1 Cor 15:23.
So, where do you find "various resurrections"?
For example, for the Gentile church of today, we look to Paul for He is the one that received the revelation about the rapture. He tells us that his rapture will come before wrath, and probably JUST before wrath.
Does that agree with the timing of the resurrection of the beheaded? No, it cannot possibly be at the same time. Before wrath would be before any of the martys of the trib would be martyred.
Where did Paul say what you are claiming? Why do you make these claims about what Paul tells us but leaves out the verse?
You cannot use Acts 14:15 to answer this question either: It only states there will be a resurrection of the righteous and of the wicked - exactly what Rev. 20 shows us.
Are you having trouble with math?
When are the two witnesses resurrected? Do you know?
I suppose you presume that when God puts a breath of life into their dead bodies lying on the street in Jerusalem, they are resurrected.
So, let me ask you; where is the evidence that they received resurrection bodies? Since you bring up the witnesses, what do you do with Enoch and Elijah? Do you assume/presume they received resurrection bodies as well?
If either the witnesses or Enoch and Elijah were resurrected, ALL of which was BEFORE Christ the firstfruits, then 1 Cor 15:23 CANNOT BE TRUE.
So, is that your argument?
John tells us that they suddenly show up and begin their testimony just 3 1/2 days before the midpoint. They testify for 1260 days which will take them to just 3 1/2 days before the 7th vial that ENDS the week. But after they are killed, they lay dead those 3 1/2 days. That means their resurrection will be at the end of the week or at the 7th vial. How amazing; that is also when the OLD testament saints arise. After all, Jesus told them several times He would raise them up "on the last day." The 7th vial will be poured out to END the week, so that would certainly be "on the last day."
Did you ever read Matthew 27 where it is written: the earth did quake...and the graves were opened"
So, apparently, from your "calculations", Jesus COULDN'T POSSIBLY be the "firstfruits". Absurd.
Did you notice there was an earthquake mentioned when the Two Witnesses rise up? That makes two witnesses.
Without a doubt, when God raises the rest of the OT saints, it is going to cause the world's worst earthquake. This will also include all the righteous from before the flood. Parts of their bodies could have been scattered around the world. How amazing, at the last day, at the 7th vial, we find the world's worst earthquake. That pinpoints the time God will raise the OT saints, along with the Two witnesses AND the beheaded. They are all raised together.
Just so you know, wisdom decrees that when a subject is covered in depth in one passage but is only mentioned in passing in another, we form our doctrine from the in-depth passage. For NT resurrections then, we should form our doctrine from passage like 1 Thes 4 and 1 Cor. 15.
when Jesus comes back, "those who belong to Him" will be resurrected. All of them. What about the parable of the ten virgins? It would seem only 50% made it.
Those who must use parables to defend their position are in a very weak position.
What about Heb. 9:28? It states that Jesus will appear only to those who are looking for Him.
Please answer this question as honestly as you can: will you be looking for Christ's coming TONIGHT? Will you be expecting Him when you believe He will not come until after?
And I have verses that prove it.
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