You're adding to the bible. Nowhere else in the bible does the word easter appear. Every other time in the bible that word in the greek is translated passover. You are spouting what someone else has come up with. There is nothing in the bible to support such a hypothesis.
Was there ever a point you believed God does not make mistakes?
Have you ever said to God, Lord maybe this is not a contradiction or an error within your Word?
Would you ever just believe God and take Him at His Word and ask Him what the word "Easter" means and keep trusting and asking until He shows you? I know I have run into many challenging situations in trying to understand a supposed contradiction or error in God's Word and I am here to tell you to have faith in God and He WILL explain it to you. Don't rely on your own heart or thoughts. Keep seeking until y9u can back up your findings with Scripture. That's what I do every time, and He always comes thru for me.
Anyways, may the bless you greatly this fine day.
And please be well.