A very good post. I'm so thankful that I'm truting in Christ ALONE for my salvation. There is no other way.
But I also trust Christ ALONE, that when he teaches me to follow him and do the kinds of works he did and to bring much fruit into his kingdom, as he has before ordained, that I should walk in these works, that he will bless me with his grace and forgive me of my sins and allow me to have EL with him.
So the combination of trusting in Christ ALONE, and doing what only Christ AlONE has ordained for us to do = EL. There is no other way.
But I also trust Christ ALONE, that when he teaches me to follow him and do the kinds of works he did and to bring much fruit into his kingdom, as he has before ordained, that I should walk in these works, that he will bless me with his grace and forgive me of my sins and allow me to have EL with him.
So the combination of trusting in Christ ALONE, and doing what only Christ AlONE has ordained for us to do = EL. There is no other way.
The above is why people are confused or reject what you are trying to convey.
"I trust in Christ alone"
You then walk in these works ordained before hand in order to have EL.
If you do so, good works, you come across as saying he will bless you with his grace and forgive you of your sins and give you EL.
BH you have already been blessed by his grace.
Your sins have already been forgiven, you do not have to do good works to earn his grace, you do not have to do good works to be forgiven of your sins.
I know your beef is EL and how it can be lost.
It cannot be lost by lack of works, or lots of works.
The truth is that we cannot qualify or quantify the level of works in order to be saved.
If we do so then it's going to be a hard hard walk with God.
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