"If any man thinks he knows, he does not know as he should."
If we think we know we stop l,earning and stay where we are.
We don't know God in our understanding, "Lean not on your understanding but Trust in the Lord," believing to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the Will of God: to count it all Joy, continue in Prayer, thankful in everything; doing the Will of God empowers us to follow Jesus in the work of God: summed up in believing in Jesus, "He that sais He lives in Him is to walk even as Jesus walk." We don't know God in our understanding. "If I have all knowledge and understand all mysteries and have not Love I am nothing.
If we think we know we stop l,earning and stay where we are.
We don't know God in our understanding, "Lean not on your understanding but Trust in the Lord," believing to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the Will of God: to count it all Joy, continue in Prayer, thankful in everything; doing the Will of God empowers us to follow Jesus in the work of God: summed up in believing in Jesus, "He that sais He lives in Him is to walk even as Jesus walk." We don't know God in our understanding. "If I have all knowledge and understand all mysteries and have not Love I am nothing.
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