the most popular people arent always right. i often think about it
we got the early church fathers but who else was there? probably someone. like today who is the big name preachers? maybe joel osteen, benny hinn, billy graham, david herzog, joyce mayer. these are popular people today but maybe they are not right. same like the church fathers.
when we look back at this day in 2300 we will say these names but we will not bring up that small church in the countryside with a pastor and flock thats in the truth and wholly dedicated to God because they never got the air time from the world or popularity.
same could of happened with church fathers.
i googled the issue and it seems like dispensationalists are mostly baptist pentecostals and non-denominationals.
There are different types of dispensationalists.
Let me put a simple point to you.
After the cross, we believers are filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Kingdom of God on earth.
Before the coming of the Holy Spirit into our hearts, everything was through the temple
with faith and a more distant relationship.
So there is a difference in intimacy, and experience in Christ that needs to be recognised.
But the principles of righteous walking, faith and love have never changed.
Various other dispensationalists will argue they have, and each dispensation had a different
way of coming to God.
Some will say we are now in the dispensation of grace where behaviour does not bring judgement
only belief in Christ sets us free, and unbelief sends one to hell.
For many this does not work because it creates a sinful church being called Holy, and the cross
being a distant redemption without the reality in our hearts.