Since it was Christ who had redeemed them, would it then follow that they had been so chosen for that redemption by God?
Anyone can turn foreknowledge into an abstract.
But if it's not what the Holy Spirit Inspired us to both think and believe, then we're only damaging our witness by being the culprit when we do as such.
The Word of God claims the Death upon the Cross happened for the Whole World.
Granted, I can deduct like you are and go directly to results and make it become only for someone specific.
You are perverting the Holy Word of God by preaching YOUR deductive reasoning by IGNORING what the Bible claims.
We know what you are doing.
I will apologize to You for how I addressed You before.
But we must convey the Word of God or Truth by representing what the Holy Spirit factually Inspired.
We are to Glorify God!
Not to make a single SINNER believe they have no Hope.
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