Read. I said that we must examine the doctrine of the Trinity. To see if it is true. Perhaps Jesus is God the Son.
Nonetheless, I may have misunderstood the intention of your opening post.
I'm going to make a few points, then I won't be returning to these threads about the trinity.
1.) The doctrine that Jesus is God, the doctrine called "The Deity of Christ", has been orthodox Christian doctrine for 2,000 years.
2.) Any doctrine contrary to this, claiming Christ is NOT God, has been considered heresy for 2,000 years.
3.) This an ESSENTIAL doctrine, and is non-negotiable:
a.) without this doctrine we are literally believing in the "wrong Jesus"... not the Jesus of the Bible.
b.) if Jesus was not God, then he had no power to forgive our sins.
4.) There are many many passages where people call Jesus God, and where Jesus calls himself God... and this is stated in many different ways, and in many different terms... just so it's impossible to miss.
5.) If we study 2nd Temple Judaism, and Judaic culture and teaching of this time period (when Jesus lived) we will find many Jewish idioms and expressions used in scripture, which if understood, will prove, beyond a doubt, that Jesus was declaring himself to be God, and that ALL THE JEWS KNEW exactly what he was declaring of himself.
(That is literally why the Jews wanted to kill him, they clearly stated Jesus was declaring himself to be God.)
6.) There is no way to make an honest study of the New Testament, and look at all the pertinent scriptures, and at the teachings and culture of 2nd Temple Judaism, and come away with any other conclusion than Jesus declared he was God, and the New Testament declared he was God.
7.) Any other view of Christ has been considered heresy for 2,000 years... and it is still considered heresy today.
It is the worst of all doctrinal errors.... it should be taken very very seriously.
8. Without this doctrine... one is not a Christian.
God Bless, and I hope you really look at this thoroughly.
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