All the names up to Noah mean and spell out the gospel.
Adam.......first man sin God set another
Enoch....then men began to call upon the name of the Lord
Meth.....his death shall bring
Noah....comfort and peace to his people.
It's been a while since I studied this I know I missed some names.
Enoch was a preacher possible Noah learned from him. The book of Enoch ive never read but I do believe he and Elijah will come back as the witnesses. Some say Moses but he died. Both Enoch and Elijah were taken up. Elijah is thought to be on Earth now hidden away.
I believe in one of the feast the jews
set a place for Elijah. I think it's Passover. And the children are to look for him out the window and door.
That is why in the new testament when Jesus ask who do they say I am Peter replied some say Elijah.
Strange how one was taken Enoch but one was left walked with God the other was saved by grace but none were Jews.
Alot had transpired between gen 3 and gen 4 how did Cain and able know to give a offering??? Even Noah had this knowledge where did it come from?
So much to learn