Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Example of the Corporate punishment of the Angels, part 1

Jude 6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.

Three views of this passage, part 1

1 -- Not intended to know any more than is here even though the other two examples given (Israel and Sodom and Gomorrah) expect you to know in great detail what is there. This is something of a cop out view, "let's not talk anymore about this".

2. -- The second view is that these angels which sinned had to do with the Fall of Lucifer and so we can explore a lot more on that subject from the Old Testament and even from the New Testament.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Isaiah 14:12

This chapter is about the king of Babylon and yet it turns in the discussion to where he is talking about Lucifer. This shows that Lucifer was the power behind the king of Babylon. The source of his error was 5 "I will" statements.

I will ascend into heaven
I will exalt my throne
I will sit also upon the mount
I will ascend above the heights
I will be like the most high

Now let's see how this relates to Christmas. This is about the Son of God, Jesus being born and the whole first half of this celebration is all about Jesus being born of a virgin to be God with us, our savior.

So what does Satan do? He creates a story to rival the story of Jesus birth. His throne is in the world, and this story is to exalt worldly commerce. He sits this story right next to the account of Jesus birth. The airways promote this story of Santa Claus every bit as much if not more than that of the birth of Jesus. He makes his story like the most high. The Lord will rapture saints all over the Earth in the twinkling of an eye, well he can visit every single house on earth in a single night. We pray to God, well he creates a "letter to Santa". God is omniscient, well "he sees you when you sleep, he knows when your awake, he knows if you've been bad or good" so you have this tyrannical version of an omniscient God.

Ezekiel deals with the Prince of Tyre and then switches to the king of Tyre -- the epitome of wisdom and beauty. He was in Eden, covered with every precious stone. But he was created. He was appointed to the top office, he was in charge right up until iniquity was found in him. Ezekiel goes into discussion of his judgement by fire.

Revelation 12 tells us that the great red dragon who wants to devour the man child is Satan. God tried to find a place for Satan but no place was found, so eventually God had to prepare a place for Him. The Lake of Fire was prepared especially for Satan, a place where he can exalt his throne. Who then is the woman? We saw this same woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet with a crown of 12 stars in Joseph's dream.

Some claim the woman is Israel but there are major problems with that, others say she is the church but again, major problems with that. However, we also got a glimpse of this same woman at the time of Eve when the Bible prophesied about the seed of the woman crushing the serpents head. This manchild is the seed of the woman that God said would crush Satan's head and that is why Satan wants to devour the child.

Based on this the man child is Jesus Christ and it almost fits this story perfectly, but not quite. Jesus was not snatched up to heaven, he ascended in the cloud. The word snatched up is harpazo, to be rescued from destruction. This is where I realized that this birth looks almost like Jesus birth but not quite, and thus the story of Jesus birth could be prophetic for the rapture.

Now if it is Jesus they want the woman to represent Israel, but if the woman is Eve she is "the mother of all living". Yes, Israel gave birth to Jesus, it is like a small circle inside a bigger circle, while Eve gave birth to both Jesus and the raptured saints. The seed of the woman is both Jesus and the Bride of Christ. There are not two seeds, the raptured saints were built from a rib taken from the 2nd Adam. There is no account in the New Testament of Satan being cast out of heaven when Jesus was born or of him being snatched up. However, when Jesus expanded His ministry and sent out the saints He said "I beheld Satan falling like lightning from heaven". Beginning with Genesis 3:15 we see this attack from Satan on man and it carries through almost to the end of Revelation. This is a major theme of the Bible. It is foolish to think "let's not talk about this anymore'.

I find it interesting that if we discuss Santa Claus everyone knows the entire story, they are familiar with all of it, even though it is not in the Bible. Still it is very relevant when we talk about Christmas and the celebration of Christmas. To me it is just like Jude's reference to Enoch and the fallen angels. All the Jews knew this story, it was relevant to the apostasy, even though it was not in the Bible.

Anyway there are several times in history where Satan kills all the babies. At the time of Moses and at the time of Jesus birth and then here again in Revelation 12. Now consider this, if the rapture will be very much like the birth of Jesus we can expect the death of many babies again. Anyone worried about vaccine mandates to kids?

Revelation 12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron

That is clearly Jesus Christ. Except the NT also says that we are to rule and reign with Him. So it is both Christ and the Church.

Revelation 12:6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

Clearly this verse is a reference to the tribulation and the 70th week prophesied of in Daniel. Those who think the man child only refers to Jesus have two very big problems, Jesus was not "snatched up" He ascended, different word. The very next verse is talking about the tribulation starting.

Some teach that this child is "the body of Christ". It is very easy to see verse 5 as the rapture because from verse 6 on you have the tribulation.

Once again, let's bring this back to the Christmas celebration. What made the holocaust possible? Various teachings that peeled people away from God. They blamed Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus. They described human life as being godless evolution where it is survival of the fittest and killing others is all natural. Now imagine we have the rapture, the world wakes up on Christmas and realizes they have been duped, they have this junk under a stupid tree while all those crazies talking of virgin births and rapture are gone. Do you think it will be hard for the world under the control of Satan to take out their anger on the woman during the tribulation? There are warnings like that of Demas who loved the world and forsook Paul. There will be two groups, the worldly descendants of Cain who will want to murder the believers and the apostate church who will have to repent and turn back to the Lord including both the Christians and ultimately the nation of Israel who will look on Him whom they pierced.

The problem with view #2 is that Satan is not bound and the angels that are cast to the earth are not bound. So then who is Jude talking about?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Corporate Punishment -- Sodom and Gomorrah

Jude 7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

This word is not written to Hollywood, or Madison Avenue, or Las Vegas Casinos. It is written to the believers in Christ! This word is to the church! This is not a warning given to the unsaved world, it is a warning given to the redeemed of the Lord! We have already learned that these men will "turn the grace of God into lasciviousness". Many of us have seen and become alarmed by this. We are not talking about some member of the congregation caught up in sin secretly, no we are talking about the pastors and leaders openly flaunting a reprobate lifestyle. Apostasy is thought of as doctrinal error and heresy, but Jude makes it clear it will be manifested by fleshly lusts and lasciviousness. We saw it with the example of Israel in the wilderness, we saw it with the Angels who fell and we see it with Sodom and Gomorrah. One symptom of apostasy is sexual immorality and perversion. Many think that the history of a Christmas tree being used in idol worship doesn't matter because to them it is simply a decoration. They think they are strong and wiser than the demons and evil spirits. They look at all of these pagan practices as trivial, no the real problem is the sexual immorality and perversion. It is linked, just like a flu that kills you begins with a very tiny virus. They corrupt themselves with brute beasts.

Once again let us not think this is some ancient history. The pedophile priests in the Catholic church demonstrated that this is definitely true of people claiming to be Christians today. There have been many contemporary Christian leaders caught up in perversion and defiling themselves with the flesh walking after their own lusts.

Apostasy begins with unbelief in the word of God but it ends with physical degradation. If you want to deal with the physical degradation you have to dig down to the root cause. Jude is using Sodom and Gomorrah as a reference point for apostasy. In other words if we look at these three examples that are given to us we can compare them with modern examples of apostasy. Some churches will be like the Israelites in the wilderness balking at the Lord's word to enter the good land, some will be snared up in occult and evil spirits and some will be like Sodom and Gomorrah.

What is the feast of unleavened bread? You remove all the leaven out of your house. That means we would clean up all the perversion and lasciviousness, we would remove all the occult practices, we would sweep up all the unbelief and then that would lead us to seeing we had picked up many pagan practices that were not of God. Get rid of those also. If you are serious about removing the leaven these pagan practices must go.

So to get a better handle let's consider Lot. He was with Abraham but at some point decided to separate himself from Abraham. He lifted up his eyes and chose the plain of Jordan. He thought he had a better place, a better idea, and so he peeled off from Abraham. The apostate churches have a history that traces back to a spiritual walk and you can see a time when there was a fork in the road and they began to peel off. Even if you are just slightly off over time you will end up very far away from God. Meanwhile Abraham chose the heights of Hebron (communion).

Lot is called "a righteous man" and God goes to some lengths to save Lot. He then chooses to dwell in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent towards Sodom. There is a war, Lot is taken captive and then rescued by Abraham and yet three chapters later Lot is there as a city alderman sitting in the city gate. This is a picture, many churches have become very influential in the major cities. They have an open door with the mayor, they are politically active. They have descended into the plain and set their tent towards the city. Now if you tell them this they will get quite offended because it is a fundamental reason they peeled off from Abraham. They believe that Christians should not be up on Mount Hebron (the mountain of communion) but rather get down in the plain and involved in the city. It is a fundamental tenet of something called "dominion theology" which is a very modern example of apostasy. We are ambassadors of the kingdom, we are not here making our home here and trying to bring in the kingdom through political reform.

That said we learn that Abraham is well trained in the art of war, has 318 soldiers as part of his household, he takes charge and leads them against these kings and defeats them. These apostasy groups complain about Christians that you have to do something and can't just worship God. Yet they are untrained and easy prey whereas Abraham is well trained with the full armor of God. God says that Abraham will become a great and mighty nation in whom all the nations of the earth will be blessed because he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord. This is where apostasy comes in, you don't command your children, you don't command your household, you don't keep the way of the Lord.

But let's return to Sodom and these churches who are involved in the politics trying to reform the city. The Lord said "if I find 50 righteous in the city then I will spare the place for their sakes". All these social justice warriors who think they are so righteous, they are deceiving themselves. The only way sinful man can be right with God is with constant fellowship and communion. Ultimately God says "I will not destroy it for ten's sake". What a pathetic testimony these churches have, they didn't even have ten righteous! In the end only 3 were saved and only one was said to be "righteous".

This is a great lesson for us. We think we are right in the way we have chosen. OK, what is the fruit of that ministry. I'm not interested in how many people in the service, how big the mega church is, just want to know how many righteous are there that would actually make a difference in the city?

To sit in the gate indicated Lot was part of the country board of supervisors or a city official. Then when they say they will abide in the street all night it was like saying you were going to take a walk through Central Park at 10pm. Lot knew the city was far too dangerous for that. We then learn the city is filled with perverts surrounding the house. Then the mob basically says to Lot you are an outsider, get out of the way or we'll rape you too.

It is important part of the story -- the messengers from the Lord had a mission, to find the righteous, tell them God was going to destroy the city and to get out, and when Lot shares this message with the sons in Law "he seemed as one that mocked". They thought it was a big joke. The angels had to drag Lot and his daughters and wife out of the city.

Lot was "vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked". This is a very clear symptom of the apostasy. If you are vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked know that you are living in the apostasy. Read the posts of many on this forum and you can see they are vexed.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
How long is one hour?

Revelation 3:10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.

Revelation 17:12 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast

The beast arrives at the start of the tribulation and is here for seven years.

Revelation 18:19 They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: “‘Woe! Woe to you, great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’

This would also seem that this hour is a reference to the seven years as well.

I suspect the reason seven years is referred to as one hour is because it is both. If you have a one hour nuclear attack to kick off the tribulation the total outworking of that will take seven years, but it all came in one hour. You will see the stock market collapse in one hour, you will see the global financial system and banking system collapse in one hour. But famine, pestilence, plague, war, these things will take seven years to be fully worked out.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Do not worry

The tribulation will not come unless Jerusalem is back in the hands of Israel and over the last 2,600 years that has only taken place for the last 50+ years.

However, even though Israel controls Jerusalem we are told the whole world will assemble in a war against Israel and why would they do that. Umm, they have recently discovered oil and gas fields in Israel that will make it the single biggest reserves for oil and gas in the world, even bigger than Saudi Arabia.

OK, but we know that the temple will be built during the beginning of the tribulation. You need an accord that will allow Israel to do that. Sure, the Abraham accords are designed for that purpose.

But still, before you can start the sacrifices and oblations you need a Red Heifer and those have been extremely difficult to find throughout history. Of course, Israel received 5 certified red heifers on Feast of Trumpets this year, September 25th.

So then, as you see these things take place look up for your redemption draweth near (this would be a good time to repent and turn to the Lord).


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
This is written for your learning

Jude 8 In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings.

This refers back to verse 4 where Jude says that these ones had secretly crept into the church and this is why he was compelled to share about the apostasy even though what he had intended to do was talk about the salvation once for all delivered.

Pollute their own bodies

You cannot believe in prophecy and evolution. They are antithetical. in the same way the creation and the second coming imply God intervening in human history. Those that defile the flesh will spout off things like secular humanism, evolution, and God has nothing to do with man. Gal 5:19-20 gives you a list of what defiling the flesh means.

Reject authority

Ultimate authority is that every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. God sets up authorities. Some are arguing that this is why we should get the vaccine, but the mandate is a very clear violation of God's authority. The Nuremberg codes prohibit mandating an experimental vaccine. Courts have repeatedly determined that Biden has violated his constitutional authority. Reject authority is not talking about Biden, it is talking about the office of President and the authority vested in those people by the constitution. If you violate the constitution you have rejected the authority of the constitution and by extension your own authority. The apostates speak in judgement of authority. For example, Satan is "the accuser of the brethren". If you accuse the brethren are you doing the work of Satan? The ultimate dignity that they rail against is Jesus Christ, this was illustrated in the two stories I posted about SNL mocking the Lord's birth and a gang rape of Roger Stone's wife.

This book of Jude is written to believers for our learning.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Tell them that God's gonna cut you down



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Speak evil of no man

Jude 9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

What a very strange verse. It is directly related to verse 8 which talks about the apostates speaking evil of dignities. Titus tells us we should speak evil of no man (Titus 3:2).

This matter is so special that it requires its own verse to emphasize it. Once again I would repeat that the SNL skits mocking the birth of Jesus and talking about raping Roger Stone's wife are examples of railing against dignities. Already the point that Jude gives us many references that are not in the Bible like this one of Michael and the devil disputing over Moses body. Well the SNL skits are also not in the Bible. Anyone who speaks on the Bible will often refer to events the readers are familiar with and yet are not in the Bible. However, this is not simply a Bible teacher illustrating a point, this is Jude who was given the burden from the Lord to share this word with us, a word that has become part of the covenant. Also, even though it refers to Moses body this is not part of the Old Covenant, it is part of our New Covenant. This is a point of common ground with Jude and his readers at the time he wrote this just as I have done with the SNL skits that were referenced previously in this thread.

This is stunning, Michael dared not bring a railing accusation against the devil. This is amazing, what many in the church want to do is pretend Satan is not there, this is not an idol, we are not involved in apostasy, etc. Big mistake. On the other hand many will rail against dignities and speak evil of men. Yes, it is true that these celebrations have pagan roots and yes it is true that we have been told very specifically to flee idolatry and that there is no communion between the table of idols and the table of the Lord. All that is true. But what is also true is that Jesus is Lord. He is the one that will rebuke them. In the meantime we need to learn to follow the Lord, hold to His word, and obey His commands.

Michael is no wimp, he is the warrior angel, and he was on a mission from God, yet even so he respects the chain of command. To me it is just like Lot thinking his mission is to reform Sodom and not stay on the mountain of communion. Abraham was no wimp and when Lot is taken captive Abraham leads his own band of warriors to go defeat four kings and rescue Lot.

So why is it that everyone knows what Jude is talking about? The Bible tells us that Enoch was a prophet prior to the flood and that Noah was a preacher. We have many prophets and preachers, their messages are not part of the New Testament, that doesn't mean they aren't the word of God and instructive for us. The New Testament is our covenant, just because something is not in the New Testament does not mean it isn't the word of God. The test is that no word of God will contradict either the Old or New Testament. For example Paul tells us that Jesus said "it is more blessed to give than to receive" yet it is not recorded in the gospels. Another example is Janus and Jambres, the two magicians that turned their rods into snakes. Their names are not in the Torah but they are in Timothy. In the old testament we see this drought at the time of Elijah and Ahab. However, you don't learn that it was a response to Elijah's prayers until the book of James. Elijah didn't just prophesy that there would be a drought he prayed. Acts 7 is another example of Stephen giving us all kinds of insights into the Old Testament that you would not otherwise get.

Michael is the Archangel, meaning chief angel. The name means "he who is like unto God". The first mention is Daniel 10 -- a chapter that pulls the curtain back from the powers and spiritual warfare behind the curtain. There are these spiritual powers behind every country and every government. This angel got help from Michael in his warfare with the prince of Persia. Michael is introduced as having a mission to fight for God's people collectively and specifically for Israel.

In Revelation 12 we see that Michael fights against Satan and is in charge of kicking him out of heaven. I believe this battle is going on right now behind the scenes, this is why there are "rumors of war". This will become visible for all to see at this time when Satan and his angels are cast to the earth. Think about it, if Christmas trees are really nothing and not part of idol worship why the big vehement response? There is a war going on right now about removing the leaven of apostasy from the church.

So then why are these two fighting over the body of Moses? There are 500 references to Moses and only 1 verse refers to the body of Moses. The Torah tells us that God buried Moses. Here Jude tells us there was a contest over this body, Michael won, and He is in charge of this sepulchre. One theory is that the sepulchre would have become an object of worship. So you can see why Satan would love to have the body to make it an object of worship. 2Kings 18:4 -- talks about how the Bronze serpent had become an idol. Now compare Hezekiah destroying the Bronze serpent which had a very strong Biblical history and basis. Can you imagine the outcry when he did that? If people are screaming and yelling over Christmas trees you can be sure they would be upset at destroying the Bronze serpent, an item of legitimate historical value. The children of Israel did burn incense to the Bronze serpent, that is like singing "O Christmas Tree",

There is another theory that God will have a future roll for Moses in the Tribulation as one of the two witnesses. If Moses is one of the two witnesses this is because he never finished his ministry. He was supposed to speak unto the rock. Moses was upset when God wasn't, that was a false witness. Second, he says "must we fetch you water out of this rock"? Is he taking credit for this? Again, a major mistake. Moses makes a full confession of this in Deuteronomy.

Jude's point is that Michael is on a mission from God to contend for the faith and even there he does not bring a railing accusation against Satan. This is the most extreme example he could give us for being under the headship of Jesus. Very strong warning against speaking evil and the focus is on keeping us balanced. We are to contend, not run and hide, but we are not to engage in evil speaking.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Luke 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

It is interesting that Jesus doesn't just say they had parties and banquets, but is very specific about marriage. The idea is that people were clueless right up until the flood came, but that is not necessarily true. You have to book a wedding six months in advance, maybe longer. What is true is that after the stock market collapse of the great depression these things stop. People pay for these big $20,000 events by using equity in their home, or from a 401k or some other account. If the stock market has collapsed and the housing market has collapsed and the banks have collapsed you couldn't do that. It is also true that when people went off to war these weddings stopped.

So you may see that the drums of war are beating, and you may have suffered a big loss in the stock market, but six months ago when you booked this event you didn't. So this word tells us that war has not started, the stock market, real estate market and financial markets have not collapsed. However for anyone paying attention you might see all of this stuff coming.

Luke 12:39 And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.

This verse clearly says that if you are paying attention you will see these things coming and will keep your house from being broken into.

For example, I have done several things.

1. I moved away from NYC to South Dakota because I was warned that NYC would be a first strike target.

2. I refused to get the vaccine because I was warned about that.

3. We have completely adjusted our financial situation so that we have minimal debt and sufficient income.

4. I have enough food to feed us for over a year and to be used as barter.

5. I have enough silver to use as barter to last us a year.

6. I am pulling cash out of the bank.

7. Despite doing all these things I am putting all my trust in the Lord and doing all I can to seek first the kingdom. The verse says my goal is not to save myself but to prevent my house from being broken into. It is clear to me that not everyone in my house is "seeking first the kingdom of the heavens".

Anyone who is paying attention can see that we are moving to war, we are moving to a nuclear first strike against the US, and we are looking at a global financial collapse.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
How to recognize the apostasy

Jude 10 Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them.

The word for slander is blasphemo, the word we call blaspheme, and it means to vilify, speak reproachfully or calumniate. The one thing all of these examples of apostasy have in common whether it is Israel crying out about the giants in the land, or angels leaving their position to seek after strange flesh or Sodom and Gomorrah, in every case they blaspheme things they don't understand. Very quick to slander others and to act like irrational animals do. There are two different words for know or in this translation "understand". They do not have a deep intimate understanding, but the things they perceive by their senses just like animals, they only have a superficial understanding.

If your reaction to hearing something from the Bible you don't understand is to slander it and whoever is sharing it, then you are in the apostasy. I did not understand what the Bible code was, so I looked into it to understand it. I didn't understand how the Jewish calendar works, so I looked into it to understand it.

The apostate limits himself to mere natural knowledge, he rails at the truth and finally perishes eternally in his own corruption.

The first ten verses of Jude set the stage for verse 11 on which the entire letter pivots. Verse 9 gave us a glimpse of what is going on in the spiritual realm, verses 12 and 13 show us apostasy from the natural realm, verses 5-7 gave us the history of apostasy which will be followed by apostasy in prophecy. Jude has given us three corporate examples and now he will give us three individual examples: Cain, Balaam and Korah.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Jude 10 Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them.
The Response to the pandemic

I got Covid19 in March of 2020 the same weekend NYC was shut down. I am a high school science teacher so I am familiar with basic understanding of plagues and vaccines but am by no means an expert. Therefore I paid very close attention to all that was said figuring I'd have to explain this to the kids.

There was no vaccine in March of 2020 but an urgent rush to make one had begun. From what I understood about history I thought far too much is being made of some future vaccine. No pandemic in history ended by giving people a vaccine, it died out of its own accord. A virus will replicate rapidly, it is the perfect example of "survival of the fittest". Corona viruses are especially prone to mutations, so my thought was that social distancing and good hygiene and health practices would eliminate this. If people who show symptoms quarantine themselves you create an environment that favors the least virulent strains. I had lived in Taiwan for years and this was a typical measure to take the temperature of people outside buildings. You can't enter with a temperature. It would have been very inexpensive and "least disruptive" approach. Businesses and schools could have stayed open.

But they didn't do that, they shut everything down, so I assumed they knew something I didn't know. Shutting everything down is contrary to the science. People obviously missed this point in science class so let's go over it again. You want people taking the bus and the subway and going to school and going to work. Half of the way social distancing works is you keep all the ones with symptoms out of the population, isolated, but at the same time you want everyone else going about their business. What will happen is there will be much less virulent strains that people will be exposed to and they will act to develop herd immunity. This is how you rapidly get herd immunity. These less virulent strains will strengthen your immune system to the more virulent strains. All the experts understand this, that is why many were happy with Omicron seeing it as a natural booster to the immune system.

Yes, in human history we have had complete shutdowns, but not of countries, not of economies, just of cities. If a cities health care system is completely overwhelmed then sure, do a complete shutdown till you can get it back under control, but there is no reason to impose a shutdown that the Bronx needs on the whole country. This draconian approach made me think they must know something I don't because from everything I could find that had been made public it was contrary to any response I would have considered.

They then began to vilify and castigate anyone who disagreed with the official narrative. Trump suggested using HCQ and was mocked mercilessly . Desantis refused to comply with the shutdowns and was also vilified and compared to a mass murderer. This alarmed me, two people who would have been privy to information they were not sharing with the public would have been the president of the US and the governor of the third most populous state in the Union. So I looked at HCQ something that anyone can buy, or make, and that has a 50 year history of being safely used. The response to that, suggesting it was "bleach" was absurd. Yes, if you were to take a concentration about ten thousand times that which is necessary it would act as a bleach. But if you took ten thousand Tylenol you'd be dead. It was a patently absurd complaint. This was when I realized the media could not be trusted to give reliable information on this.

At the same time Fauci said that to question him was to question science. That was it for me, I immediately knew he was a liar. In my science class I always teach about Galileo being excommunicated because he taught the Earth revolved around the Sun. I also talk about how a scientific theory that contradicted the accepted narrative when I was in high school was mocked and ridiculed. Some "creationist" put forth this theory that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteor. This was attacked mercilessly until there was enough evidence that everyone accepted it and then it was like, oh yeah, everyone knows that. Questioning the official narrative is science.

This was the point at which I needed to broaden my search to find out what is going on. Dr. Malone invented mRNA vaccines and so I listened to him. Dr. Zelensky treated Trump quite successfully along with about 10,000 others so I listened to him. Dr. Wolf was looking at the Pfizer documents of their studies of the vaccine so listened to what she discovered. Steve Bannon was bringing on these and other experts who also provided evidence that the virus originated in the Wuhan bioweapons lab. At this point I would not say that they have absolutely and conclusively proved it began as a lab leak in Wuhan, there are other possible scenarios (CIA could have done this to place blame on the Chinese). But what was clear was there was no "evidence" for the wet market theory and certainly no evidence for the bat cave theory. Yet there were all those scientists who wrote a letter to Lancet saying all the evidence pointed to the bat cave and none of the evidence pointed to the bioweapons lab. That was clearly and undeniably false. No one has found any evidence that points to the bat cave and there is clear and convincing evidence that this is a man made virus from a bioweapons lab.

So at this point I knew that the advice they were giving us was bad, I knew that saying Cuomo was the gold star in how to deal with the virus while Desantis was a mass murderer was a vile and despicable lie. I knew that Fauci couldn't be trusted and the Main Stream Media couldn't be trusted. I also knew that Trump who speaks with a 5th grade vocabulary and is a real estate mogul/reality TV star was not someone I would trust my healthcare decisions to. But I decided that Dr. Malone was trustworthy, he was being attacked, his reputation smeared, his career ruined to take his stand and yet his resume tells you he is clearly an expert on the topic. I decided Dr. Zelensky was trustworthy, after all he more than anyone else on the planet was having great success treating Covid. He should have been lifted up by the Media, not shunned and attacked. I also decided that everything I knew about viruses, pandemics and vaccines prior to this could be trusted.

I also trusted the Bible. In the Bible I am told that Satan is a liar, a thief and a murderer. He only comes to kill and destroy. I knew who the liars were, I could see who the thieves were, and so as studies came out saying they were murderers it did not seem to be a wild conspiracy theory. I lived in NY and evidence came out that 10,000 people died because of Cuomo's actions.

This was when DeBlasio mandated the vaccine and they were not going to consider natural immunity. Every expert knows that the vaccine could be particularly dangerous to those with natural immunity to Covid after getting it and yet they would ignore that? No way I am going to let this buffoon stuffing french fries in his mouth convince me to take the vaccine.