Here are some startling facts about abortion - sometimes it is the man who demands the abortion, not the woman.
"Women have told me, with streaming eyes, that their husbands have insisted that they should destroy the life of their unborn babies..." The article entitled "Where the Blame Belongs" was published in the Universe in 1869 and authored by "A Mother."
Feminists for Life opposes coercion to abort or impoverish their children once born. Instead we encourage support by fathers of children for both mothers and children, and when that is not possible, to provide child support.

"Women have told me, with streaming eyes, that their husbands have insisted that they should destroy the life of their unborn babies..." The article entitled "Where the Blame Belongs" was published in the Universe in 1869 and authored by "A Mother."
Feminists for Life opposes coercion to abort or impoverish their children once born. Instead we encourage support by fathers of children for both mothers and children, and when that is not possible, to provide child support.