Perhaps you did a much better job at raising your children than I did, or maybe you just have more space. Because I was a professional chef, cooking meals and dinners in advance to heat up on the run made sense. There was always a pot of soup, or chili and cooked chicken breasts and salads to grab. A couple times a week my wife would clean the house. The kids were constantly busy with studies and sports and when they had a few minutes my wife encouraged them to go see their friends. Chores weren’t given as regularly. Now for some reason my wife thinks after years of doing everything for them, they are going to jump in and take over all of their tasks. It’s not going fantastically. From their unmotivated “cleaning” and my wife’s menopausal rants, I’m ready to get an apartment. The boys are nearly adults and still sharing a room. We could all use a bit of space. By no means will anyone be tossed to the wolves. They are more than welcome back at any time, and every meal, but having to sort through my daughter’s clothes to determine which ones are dry flat and which ones can be thrown in the drier so I can do my own laundry is getting exhausting. So much lulu lemon! We all love each other and laugh louder than any other table at a restaurant. Any one of them could have a career in comedy. It’s just a little more independence would be nice.
Then you wont have this problem.
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