Any time we give government control of something that we should be controlling ourselves, there is something negative that happens. When government goes too far with their control of education, then teachers just become robots, they are not allowed to tailor their class to fit the needs of individual students. As it is, no teacher can teach Christian values. They can teach many points of other religions, but not Christian. They are forced to teach humanism, and it is OK, even to teach about the good witch, etc. instead.
Hitler used education of children, using some of these same reasons, to teach his value system. Home school was outlawed. It is dangerous to allow government to have this much control of our country, even our wonderful government.
At the same time, our kids are allowed, in some cases, to even graduate from high school without really reading, even. They come out of our schools without learning to be responsible for themselves, often without the ability to take responsibility for a job but need overseeing. Now, we really need government control. But it is going to cost us.
Most of our home schooled kids have a good education, but it takes a very disciplined mother for that, and some don't have that discipline. It makes it an absolute must that home schooled kids pass standard tests or some will be cheated out of an education and will need to go on the welfare roles so we always have to feed them.
It would be wonderful if we could say that government can go this far, but forever and ever, government can go no further in regulating education.