I don't belittle you, I don't think soldiers are bad people. but you gotta understand that your answers to my points (as well as everyone else's) is ALWAYS "oh you just don't understand. Soldiers die for your freedom." You just regurgitate the same propaganda over and over without being able to halfway explain HOW soldiers die for your freedom...because they dont. Not since WWII.
Because my answer is truth, and you and your ilk will never understand. You folks can not see the forest for the trees.
You and your ilk have been sloping at the trough of this Nation's riches all your lives, and all your lives decrying what a horrible Nation it is. What have the men and women of the Military secured for you and for all Americans?
You have a place to live. You probably have an automobile. You have belongings.....furniture, appliances and such. You surely have a computer. You enjoy partaking of this Nations energy resources, this Nations Industrial resources, this Nations Agricultural Resources, Public Education System, Health Care System. You have the right to participate in this Nations System of Government by engaging in the Election Process in place. Regardless of the state it is currently in, you STILL have the right to participate in it. You have the right to speak for this Nation, or speak against this Nation as you wish. You enjoy the Constitutional rights all other Citizens enjoy as you choose to enjoy them. You benefit from them as well, as in Miranda Rights and the 5th Amendment, 4th and 7th Amendments. You have the right/opportunity to seek gainful employment in whatever field you choose to do so in. You have a right not to. You have so many rights, and enjoy so very many benefits on a daily basis that you and your ilk take for granted, or, even worse, believe you are OWED them by this Nation, and you never pause to give thanks to the men and women who serve to assure that these rights remain, and these benefits remain.
Soldiers do not get to choose which war/conflict they fight in. Their duty, and their desire is to serve as they are directed to for the good of all Americans. You and your ilk do not understand and never will understand that while you may believe the latest wars/conflicts do not effect you and your freedom/rights, they do.
Not only that, but the VERY REASON there has NOT been a drastic assault upon this Nation, and upon it's peoples IS STRICTLY BECAUSE of the men and women in uniform who STAND READY. Other Nations, other peoples know well what they will face should they take on our Nation. They will face the best trained, best equipped, most motivated fighting force the world has ever known. The American Soldier.
Rather than speak so disrespectfully of and to Veterans and current Military personnel, you should be thanking them for all you have and all you have enjoyed in your lifetime. For even if you are too blinded by your hatred for our Nation to see the truth, the TRUTH IS all our Nation is, all our peoples have HAS BEEN SECURED by the blood of the American Soldier. And they can rest assured each day and night that the American Soldier stands ready to defend them each and every day.
The American Soldier is the one who STANDS IN THE GAP for this Nation and it's peoples. Give them the respect they are due.............but, I do not expect you or your ilk to, and that's ok too. We serve you just as we serve all of our peoples and our Nation.