but I think children need to be exposed to the real world at some point. The pressures faced from other students, the social skills developed... it's all part of a necessary growing experience.
Homeschoolers get exposed to everything the world has to offer if done correctly... My girls know all about the world...they see it everyday. They have experienced in church as well as out of church. And before you say,"in Church", the statistics same behaviors are the same in church as out of church...doesn't say much for us Christians sometimes, but it is truth. And most home schoolers are very prepared for college.
As to social skills, my girls have them...they can talk to adults as well as kids their own age. If parents who homeschool aren't socializing their children, then they are doing them a disservice, but we always socialized them. Most of the homeschool kids I know are very social.Point is, we choose whom to socialize with, rather than being forced to socialize with those we don't agree with.
Yes, I am very passionate about schooling...I would homeschool mine again if I wasn't running a small school. The public arena is not where I want my kids.