If you check deeper into the news forum where there are police shootings or a cop, Derek Chauvin, suffocated a George Floyd to death in front of numerous witnesses including fellow cops who covered him while he was doing this, you'll see they side with the offender cops not the victim. Nor do they show compassion for the victims.
Then after judging the victim, supporting the bad cop(s), they say, we'll have to wait and see.
There's a pattern to the madness. However, hating America as much as they show they do is despicable. And then they claim they live here. Which means they were talking first and foremost about their damned condition in a country God took his hand off of while a funeral dirge needs to play because her country is done. Her country! Not Americans America. HERS!
Like I said, lets drop it. I should follow my own advice.

We see. Others laugh. But we see.
I noticed in your prior postings you're in Germany as an ExP American. Bless your time there. If I read that garbage while living in Germany I'd be mad too. No place like home!
It is a reason to be mad. To read someone preface anti-America garbage saying they're not going to speak what's really on their mind, and then unload with that hate filled rant against America and to go deeper and claim God agrees with them because he's taken his hand from America? Is satanic obscenity the likes of what I hear in the streets here when the Muz go on a tirade.
People who live in the comfort of America, that little bubble of myopic consciousness having never lived anywhere else, have no clue! But someone who's clearly not all right in the head and vomits on the country that borders their own or is their current home, whatever their gray matter flip of the day is in that particular moment of ranting, is clearly out of their flipping mind.
I've lived in third world countries and for years. The people in those places see the light of America. The beacon on the hill is brilliant and has never dimmed. Unlike what the ranting maniac believes. And I think it is true where they live. But that's their perspective. They are playing the Antagonist role in that insane rant that is anti-America propaganda scripting for a B movie. I worked in the entertainment industry for awhile. The insane rant was straight out of an old B movie during the red scare.
Third world people love America. Anything American and it is like Christmas.
I brought a case of Marvel tee shirts one trip when the franchise films were getting to be a regular thing in America.
The faces of the children and adults are still in my mind. They beamed with happiness. Clean clothes to wear and a colorful American movie hero image on the front.
Those good people dreamed of living in America.
Here in Germany there are two fronts. People who are not that fond of America and those who love it. There's a lot of negative stuff from the Muz communities that have cropped up since Merkel was foolish enough to support acceptance of them as refugees and by the hundreds.
But overall people are positive about America. And that should tell you something when people who live in third world countries and in Germany, France, the Netherlands, and even Egypt, have positive things to say about America. Including comments about God being here too.
Puts into perspective the idiots who live in their pampered little bubble and defecate where they supposedly sleep.
Enough about the fool. They thrive on the attention and then threaten people who don't nod their heads in agreement. They're disgusting. Maybe they're Muslim. That kind of trash talk is spoken here in certain circles where I've been a witness.
No more! Ignore the fools who hate the greatest country on earth. Their hate will consume them because they talked themselves into that death.