I dont really know tooo mucho to say about you all so I will just expressó in this way....
Julieanne - you are to thread-making what Fiddler On The Roof was to match-making.
Nods - you're caz in presentation, with a wry, fanciful wit about you.
Zere - enjoyed talking with you, I just hope, unlike Moses who disobeyed God by striking the rock to burst out via his staff when specifically God asked him to order the rock to emanate water, you obey. You can voluntad and be of great servicio to others. I just know it ! God will provide a way out, all ways from our obedience sprout a great éxodo, but, keep in mind, what He speaks us to do, will be intended to quietly or loudly bring unbelievers to Him.
What can be more beautiful than that, excepto, maybe, Nods' mind, per who just described Nods in this way a post or two back.
Obey? And what DID happen to Moses when Moses DID not command that rock per God's way??
Moses died on Mt. Nebo because of that disobedience to God and would have otherwise, experts say...seen the Promised Land.
Nuked - You get 'satisfaction' from my humor and corked hard to antier my Freejack Fiddle. To the víctor, the spoils, I pray your move is going to go perfect, placing you right in the'world' God wants you in now.
AmberSmith - Feed after God's words to you, they're always there. You're words flower the c.c. sky like a Maya Angelo stoy, scented with the stark, natured realism of a Robert Frost poem.
Kiwibirdy - Seems like you like Lord Of The Rings , make God always just as precious as Golem and Bilbo in your life (Interesting too, I didnt know C.S. and J.R. were around same era).
Liamsson - (are you reallly Liam Neeson's son???
) , you are a friendly liason, bringing an understanding knowledge to the threads to which you post and the threads to which you start, young and wise and not afraid to coalesce with those generation(s) ahead of you.
Gracey - You have a keen ability to light up a room when it may otherwise stay dark.
Seoulsearchin' - You relate to people in such a way that your sympathy may even sound to one your speaking to...like empathy. You listen well to what's been said and you search your soul for just the right words, hopefully. You're always searching with God and sounds to me like you are.
Stillwater___ - You are intuitive and a great mediator for c.c. to be blessed with having.
Grimmmm - I hope you may see this since I've just not been chatting in lounge much, if at all, last month, you are a great listener, inspirer, conversational, patient as can be,( and, this is more of that spreading the Love stuff to her and also all of you on c.c. I pray that you listen to God's dreams for you as they were so powerful ways God communicated to people, like Mary's Joseph, in the bible.
That way, and, I have no doubt that obeying the dreams and visions from God will make your life best blessed on Earth and, of course, the timeafter, in Heaven
Sorry, if I forgot anyone, as Harp is a good bird, as someone said, ailani nora pineapple princess too, I mention, and, Kazzz and Chim.
God bless you all long for God in all your singleness, for He will fill all void with great Love. The Lord leads.