Das war schon (that was nice), Evelinamy, everyone gets built up fro. Praise. It's just how God made us
Ah, yes, Aladyna, the one in the chatroom so sang froid, who puts up with my tease at her (but not lately cuz God's had me be chatless from Seattle). Aladyna calls me 'Greenie' too, the only one to do so on c.c.
Thanks, too, mssmithamber, for feeding that encouragement to c.c.
I think you've heard the saying, 'you never waste a wave,' everyone likes to be said Hi to in that nonverbal way. I guess I will take it a step further and say, 'Go, go, go with a smile.' Oh wait, that's not what I was saying, my favorite character in original 1982 Batman jumped out at you. (I'm such a joker
But what I meant to say b4 I so rudely interruptsd myself

was this...'You never waste a smile'.
God bless your weekends, you all , and, yes, going with a smile is good too, usually, as to a funeral that might be the wrong display for your face..

But, go with God, always. Why? because He is always with you, thru your smiles, through your frowns, thru every single one of your UPS and downs.