Margaret was reluctant to call her mom, because her mom was known to cause her grief, and pile on the guilt every time.
The phone rang twice and Ruth (Margaret's mother) picked up immediately and asked a million questions. Are you o.k.? I heard there were sharks! Do you need a shark suit? Your father and I are really worried about your crazy Dread Pirate Roberts act. Why can't you goto the Bahamas like a normal lawyer? We spent to much money raising you to be eaten up by sharks!!!!!
Margaret gulped........Yes mom. Did you hear I got a job offer with the law firm?
Margaret's mother replied, don't try to change the subject. I want a full itinerary of your travels for now on. The U.S. Coast guard said, I need your AIS tracking i.d.. If I have to send the whole U.S. Navy to find you, I will.
Margaret replied, yes mother. I will e-mail you all the information. For now, I'm gonna stay in New Zealand for awhile and look for God.
Ruth answered, you better not be knocking on my door and handing out watchtower tracts, we will disown you, or find a really good therapist! Just be careful o.k.??? Don't be joining any cults. Mr. Silverstein's son is doctor, why don't you meet him?
Margaret and her mom were in tears, as they said their goodbyes. They truly love each other, but they drive each other crazy.
After the call, Margaret decided it was time for lunch, and maybe another day at the pool.