But this isn't any way to show any breakthrough in our way of life, it just shows team-sports mentality.
The previous president was better than this one.
What about the one before him? And before him? How were things under Lincoln?
You have to realize that in the world you have to make the best you can with what you have, not with what you wish you had.
Perfection is only attained in the New Kingdom as you know, so while we are here we need to be grateful for what we have.
When it comes down to details, all populations in the western civilization are not doing anything drastic like civil wars or violent regime changes and that's because their daily lives are pretty good.
So this is more entertainment than actual value. Because if people would be serious about regime change then they would get up and fight or leave. But people don't want to do that because again it's not doom-and-gloom.
Changes happen very slow and are inevitable because the people can't take it anymore and a new way of life is established.
In Europe you had very slow changes in large periods of time.
The renaissance.
Colonialism and imperialism
The reformation
The enlightenment
The French revolution
The industrial revolution
The Russian revolution
WW1 and 2.
Now - mostly vacation mode with the majority of western society living comfortable lives. So the complaints are not big enough for people to cause a major change.
Maybe the next big change is this due to our current levels of stupidity

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