First I must apologize for this lie. When I first came here there was an option for married or not married. In the my heart married applies. In the world this is not true and most would say this. We live together as if married. Her former husband has disappeared for many years now. The issues were irreconcilable. She was faithful and he was not. He left them and there has been no way for divorce. She was not worried about this as she never thought of being married again until we met. Without going into to many details about their marriage, I argue was it even legal or marriage in God's eyes? They were married out of pressure because she was pregnant. They were both young, this was many years ago. At the time they were married at the courthouse, he was high on drugs. When it came time for him to say, "I do" he couldn't even utter the words. He simply said or hummed, mmmhmmmm his eyes closed so high on drugs. The way she describes this day is, "how could anyone even be married that way." yet the judge issued a certificate. I have not felt conviction on being here. In fact I believe it is where I am to be and what I am supposed to do. There is law there is grace. There is man's law. This is a public apology and confession. I am asking for forgiveness.