yes it does matter...
for one thing it has to do with the question of whether or not we can trust that the bible is true and that it means what it says...or if we have to twist scripture away from its plain meaning in order to force it into agreement with the 'wisdom' of the age...
also it relates directly to the study of put it plainly the gospel message of salvation has no basis or relevance in an old earth theology...if death didn't enter the world through adam's sin then you are forced to accept that christ cannot win victory over death by dying for the sins of the world...
finally it relates to the question of God's goodness...if God is good then why did he allow four billion years of completely pointless pain and death as viewed in the fossil record through an 'old earth' lens before he created humans? why would God want to torture small animals for no reason?
as anyone can see...these things are not 'side issues'...they are vitally important to the christian faith...
i acknowledge that 'old earth' believers can be saved...but only by being logically inconsistent...if they ever woke up one morning and decided to reason consistently...they would either become young earth creationists or abandon christianity entirely...
anyway welcome to biblical young earth creationism!
Hello Rachel,
I remember arguing with you about this very issue. At the time, I had more faith in man's Uniformitarianism, then in God's Word. God has since blessed me with a greater discernment and He has used people in this very forum for that purpose.
It is interesting that according to Ken Ham, the word "day" is used more than 2000 times in the Bible. And the only place we have a problem in understanding what the word means is in Genesis. Is this because we have to somehow find a way to fit millions or billions of years into the record somewhere?
According to Mr. Ham, whenever the phrase, "evening and morning", is used with day, or day and night, or day and a number, it almost always means a literal 24 hour day.
What should we tell our children, or our neighbors? The Bible is the authoritative Word of God and you can trust and rely on it, all except Genesis 1-11? Jesus, by the way, affirmed the truthfulness of practically all of the problem ideas presented in Genesis when He walked on the Earth, so this is not just an O.T. issue.
You stated the issue and implications about death resulting from sin much better than I did.
Science that is based on the current observation of processes is only valid when Scientists place their faith in Uniformitarianism. Therefore Old Earth Geology is as much faith based as Young Earth beliefs.
I will believe what the Bible tells me over the capriciousness of man.