Thanks T Laurich for praying,Im going to leave my husband asap, just dont know how to tell my children about this..,Thats why I come to this site looking for someone to pray for me to give strenght to do it,Im going to tell my sister this weekend also..To Grumessi thanks a lot.. Jesus blessed you..
I Corinthians 7 says if you have an unbelieving husband and he be willing to dwell with you, not to leave him. It also says how do you know whether you will save your husband? I Peter 3 gives some advice on this.
I think you should be honest about it. Let him know you still believe in Jesus and cannot participate in his religion. If he wants to divorce you, then you decide what to do.
Do you remember the story of Jacob and Esau. God wanted to bless Jacob, and from the womb, it was His will that the elder should serve the younger. But how did Jacob go about getting the blessing? He lied to his old blind father, a terrible thing to do. In spite of this, God still accomplished his will. Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery, but Joseph later realized that the purpose was to bring about a great deliverance, and his brothers and their families were delivered through him. What his brothers meant for evil. God used for God.
You did wrong by going through a religious conversion and marrying a Muslim. But that doesn't mean that he isn't your husband. You need to repent and do right going forward. Being married to someone of another religion is difficult, but God can give you the strength. And you do not know the Lord's plan. In spite of your mistakes, He could choose to use you to win your husband and his family to Christ, in spite of your sins, and in spite of your mistakes.
As far as converting to Islam is concerned, I am against Christians doing that. I do see a difference between doing that and denying Christ, though. Do you just repeat the five pillars to convert to Islam? Peter said that he did not know Jesus, and found forgiveness.
A Mus
1im converting to Christianity isn't a life or death issue for a lot of people in your country is it? Would his family persecute you? Do you live in a village or community that would persecute you?