"You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.- Jeremiah 29:13"
Hello! My name is Sophia, and I'm 20. I want to tell people about what happened to me since it has changed me and my life, and I also want to share the things God has done for me (but that will be in a different post). I told my parents about what happened, but they didn't take me seriously, so I'm hoping people here will! I believed in God all my life, as well as believing Jesus is the Son of God, and I used to be really close to Him, but as I grew older I didn't care as much, or didn't take my relationship with God seriously, so I drifted away. As a teenager I was depressed a lot, had generalized anxiety disorder, and another disorder called "depersonalization disorder" (you can look that up
) so I was a really unhappy person for years since I had these two disorders as well as depression since I was around 13-19 years old, and I experienced these things non stop, every second of every day. It was the most lowest years, and I even thought of killing myself. I always tried finding things to fill an emptiness I had. I was obsessed with bands and idols, and I even worshiped one of my idols, but of course, that never got me happiness. I even shut myself in my bathroom and took out alcohol from under the sink and started drinking just to try and feel something, and just sat there hopeless. Luckily it was a one time thing.) Earlier in 2013, for some reason I wanted to try reading the bible. I couldn't get through the first page because I thought it was so boring, so I didn't go on with that. In October of 2013, I remember I was sitting on my bed and it hit me that the emptiness I was feeling was God's absence in my life. Of course, I know now that God is always there, even when you don't feel Him. But when you distance yourself from Him, there will obviously be a distance, and lack of love, comfort, peace, and all those nice feelings. "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. -James 4:8"
So as I sat on my bed, I said in my head something along the lines of, "God, I want and need you in my life again. I was so happy younger because You were there. I'm sorry. I want to feel You again." Short and simple. And I sincerely asked Him, with all my heart. I didn't expect anything, since in the past He never really answered my prayers (I didn't have enough faith!) but I did put more faith in that night. Little did I know that the next morning my life and I would be forever changed. I'll try my best to explain, and I want to throw it out there that you most likely won't understand me unless you felt it yourself.
When I woke up, the moment I opened my eyes, I felt like a completely different person. I felt like the old me died, and a new me was born. "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.- Galatians 2:20" I also felt all these beautiful emotions, but they were intensified. Nothing like I ever experienced before, and I have been in love, and that was the greatest feeling. But nothing compares to this. My chest and heart felt like they wanted to explode (in a good way). I had this absolute knowledge that God DOES exist. I had no doubt like before. I felt unimaginable and overwhelming love, peace, happiness, forgiveness.. other beautiful emotions I don't even know, or maybe I just can't explain it (but as I'm writing this my chest feels like it want to burst and I want to cry.) And it's kinda frustrating because words cannot describe what I felt. I felt a burning fire within me, and I knew it was God making Himself known to me, and coming into my life. I wanted to know God more. I wanted to learn about Him more. I had this hunger for more. More God. "As a deer thirsts for streams of water, so I thirst for you, God. -Psalms 42:1" I also had a new outlook on life. Everything was and still is so clear. It's like I was blind all my life, and now I could see everything. I saw the Truth. "'Brother, Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive the Holy Spirit.' Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales.-Acts 9:17-18"
I went to the bookstore with my dad and bought my own bible, and the verses made sense to me for the first time. I couldn't stop reading and highlighting, and just a couple months ago I couldn't even get through the first page. I got on my knees for the first time in 13 years and prayed, and I just cried because I was so happy, and thought "how blessed am I that I'm filled with the Holy Spirit?" I never in my life expected or believed this would happen. Ever since then, all I do is learn more, read all the time about God, Jesus and the bible, and it's never enough. I'm not worthy of standing before our Savior and Creator, but that's all I want. I want to praise Him for eternity, and stand before Their love and beauty. I'm not scared of death anymore either. I pray every day, and talk to God as well, and He answers me (I've had prayers answered that same day). I still feel the Holy Spirit in me, and working in my life. I looked up other people's testimonies of them being overcome by the Holy Spirit, and they all described what I felt, so I know I'm not alone, or crazy... and I really hope others can feel it too, because it will change you, and your life. And you will never want your old self or life back. You will know it, when you feel it. If you think you met God or Jesus and it didn't change you, then you didn't meet God or Jesus, because when you meet/feel them, it will change you. I don't suffer from anxiety or depersonalization disorder anymore. I also don't feel the emptiness that used to be there, but instead I feel complete, and happy. Too happy
Never before in my life has God answered my prayers so many times. It's all about faith. He is faithful. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. - Matt 7:7"
"Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. -John 8:32"
It has definitely set me free! This is my testimony
If you have a testimony, I'd love to hear it!
Hello! My name is Sophia, and I'm 20. I want to tell people about what happened to me since it has changed me and my life, and I also want to share the things God has done for me (but that will be in a different post). I told my parents about what happened, but they didn't take me seriously, so I'm hoping people here will! I believed in God all my life, as well as believing Jesus is the Son of God, and I used to be really close to Him, but as I grew older I didn't care as much, or didn't take my relationship with God seriously, so I drifted away. As a teenager I was depressed a lot, had generalized anxiety disorder, and another disorder called "depersonalization disorder" (you can look that up
So as I sat on my bed, I said in my head something along the lines of, "God, I want and need you in my life again. I was so happy younger because You were there. I'm sorry. I want to feel You again." Short and simple. And I sincerely asked Him, with all my heart. I didn't expect anything, since in the past He never really answered my prayers (I didn't have enough faith!) but I did put more faith in that night. Little did I know that the next morning my life and I would be forever changed. I'll try my best to explain, and I want to throw it out there that you most likely won't understand me unless you felt it yourself.
When I woke up, the moment I opened my eyes, I felt like a completely different person. I felt like the old me died, and a new me was born. "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.- Galatians 2:20" I also felt all these beautiful emotions, but they were intensified. Nothing like I ever experienced before, and I have been in love, and that was the greatest feeling. But nothing compares to this. My chest and heart felt like they wanted to explode (in a good way). I had this absolute knowledge that God DOES exist. I had no doubt like before. I felt unimaginable and overwhelming love, peace, happiness, forgiveness.. other beautiful emotions I don't even know, or maybe I just can't explain it (but as I'm writing this my chest feels like it want to burst and I want to cry.) And it's kinda frustrating because words cannot describe what I felt. I felt a burning fire within me, and I knew it was God making Himself known to me, and coming into my life. I wanted to know God more. I wanted to learn about Him more. I had this hunger for more. More God. "As a deer thirsts for streams of water, so I thirst for you, God. -Psalms 42:1" I also had a new outlook on life. Everything was and still is so clear. It's like I was blind all my life, and now I could see everything. I saw the Truth. "'Brother, Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive the Holy Spirit.' Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales.-Acts 9:17-18"
I went to the bookstore with my dad and bought my own bible, and the verses made sense to me for the first time. I couldn't stop reading and highlighting, and just a couple months ago I couldn't even get through the first page. I got on my knees for the first time in 13 years and prayed, and I just cried because I was so happy, and thought "how blessed am I that I'm filled with the Holy Spirit?" I never in my life expected or believed this would happen. Ever since then, all I do is learn more, read all the time about God, Jesus and the bible, and it's never enough. I'm not worthy of standing before our Savior and Creator, but that's all I want. I want to praise Him for eternity, and stand before Their love and beauty. I'm not scared of death anymore either. I pray every day, and talk to God as well, and He answers me (I've had prayers answered that same day). I still feel the Holy Spirit in me, and working in my life. I looked up other people's testimonies of them being overcome by the Holy Spirit, and they all described what I felt, so I know I'm not alone, or crazy... and I really hope others can feel it too, because it will change you, and your life. And you will never want your old self or life back. You will know it, when you feel it. If you think you met God or Jesus and it didn't change you, then you didn't meet God or Jesus, because when you meet/feel them, it will change you. I don't suffer from anxiety or depersonalization disorder anymore. I also don't feel the emptiness that used to be there, but instead I feel complete, and happy. Too happy
"Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. -John 8:32"
It has definitely set me free! This is my testimony