also, when a woman turns around 30... she can start to get some gray hairs and fine lines and so much emphasis is placed on looks in world culture- which we are not supposed to follow, yet i can't say we aren't affected by...
some of us will do anything to try and prove we are worthy by outer standards of beauty. that we 'haven't lost it,' so to speak.
i worried that was why i got dumped last time. but there were other issues.
i could write a book about the hard things that have happened to cause me to be challenged to know if i am worthy, but i won't. i'll be patient, and wait for that laugh.
i will honor myself, and my intentions. because deep down i don't believe i am so selfish as i may appear at times.
i need that introverted time to myself.
i need self discovery, but it's time to give... i've wanted so much to give, but i had to learn to give to myself, first. and for that, i cannot and will not be ashamed of.
i always did the opposite and ended up more than short-changed.
i have given much in life, that goes unrecorded and unknown by human eyes, and that is just fine with me.
a woman has to have a sense of herself, and a sort of charisma, to get though life these days.
i don't know what i have , only that i would honestly rather share and give, than be only to myself and only a lover of myself.
i have so many dreams i wish to share with the world one day. i suppose that is the crisis and the crux, of the introvert.
in all ways possible.