What is your view on LGBT couples?
My view? I'm not sure I understand your question. I'm betting it has something to do with whether I hold irrational prejudice or bias again these people because they're LBGT or hate them or want to cause them harm and, of course, the answer is no. In my regard, they're just people and I believe most Christians in USA hold no ill will to any God's creatures.
Do you believe that any love is love or that a book determines what love really is?
Yes, I do. God of Israel's Word, our Bible is the Book and God is love. God is the ultimate catch-all of the diversity of love. I won't go into the various kinds of love, but I think it would be safe to say that love CAN be love, but there is love that turns out not to be love at all.
If you consider yourself heterosexual, how would you react if you found yourself attracted to a person of the same gender?
Not to be glib, but if I were attracted to a person of the same sex, I would be something other than heterosexual.
Look. There's been a ton of discussion about this subject - people just waiting like hungry wolves to pounce on gay-hating Christians - and honestly, you might find somebody that does that. You might find a lot of Christians like that; it's something I've even struggled with before because I'm just stupid. But the point is that when we become part of this brotherhood we call Christianity, we become convicted and understand those things God finds offensive. It's a strong conviction and it becomes painful for us to see a brother or sister in Christ who delves in those things offensive to God. It hurts my heart when I know a brother is walking a wide road to certain damnation - I want to grab him by the shirt and shake him!
But it does no good. If you, my loving Sister in Christ - you, Bride of Christ, are not convicted by the Grace of God, God's freely given pain on the cross, then my grabbing you by the shirt and shaking you causes you only to run from me and to think I hate you, when I don't. But I can't - NOT warn you.
So it's a dilemma to love the sinner and hate the sin. We Christians struggle with how we portray that dilemma daily. Some try to love the sinner and accept the sin, but I can't love without being concerned about the welfare! Not with this conviction.
So - it's a struggle.