I disagree. Sure, I completely acknowledge that God doesn't like divorce and it is clearly spoken about in His word; but making the comment that ' All divorces happen because the marriage is not based on Christ' is a HUGE assumption to make, especially when there is no way you can know the finer detials of every individual situation.
I have known amazing Christian couples, who do have a Christ-centred marirage. Their lives are revolved around living for Christ- and the marriage has ended. But just because we choose to be Christians, doesn't make us exempt from struggling with sin - and this is the same in marriage.
Once you get saved, it doesn't mean life is bed of roses, and you will have no struggle,(in fact quite the opposite, we are told in God's word to EXPECT tribulations) just the same as once you get married it isn't always going to be harmonious bliss. We have to die to ourselves daily and make a concerted effort to live for Christ, just as all relationships (especially marriages) take work. You have to be work at it, you have to be prepared to iron out your flaws, you have to be considerate of another person.
I think you should be realy careful in making assumptions that indicate you know everything, when clearly there's no way you possibly can. As Christians we have desire and a responsibility to live our life according to God's plan for us. Sometimes though, regardless of how much we try, and how obedient we are to HIM, that doesn't always work. I have seen Christian marriages fall apart because one person is stubborn. They have let sin and selfishness and pride take over their lives, and hurt lots of other people in the process.
It brings me back to my point that it's easy (even if we are CHRIST-Centred) to struggle with sins, and let them overtake our lives. No one is perfect, and we should never claim to be so. All marriages have their struggles. We just need to make the right choice and choose to rely on God, and not let the struggles take over as the 'easy way out'. Having said that though, there are some situations we will NEVER understand, having not experienced them ourselves, and therefore I feel we have no place passing judgment. God is the ONLY judge.