I knew someone like that. She was raised in a Baptist household, he a Catholic one but turned atheist in his later years.
They married regardless, she thinking she could change him.
Instead, her devotion to her faith made him upset, short tempered, and abusive after the honeymoon stage wore off. Which was a little over a year.
Then he started to mock her, he resented her trying to lead him to Christ, even when she stopped being forthright in that area and thought her home bible study, going to church alone, etc... would show him the way as he simply observed her living her faith.
At the ten year mark, with no children as yet, she finally surrendered when he spit on her bible as she laid it on the night stand beside the bed. He told her quite forthrightly that her "holier than thou" attitude made him want to vomit. And that if she didn't stop next he'd
burn the damn thing. Referring to her bible.
Divorce was the best move she ever made. And totally within scripture.
After her divorce, about two years or so, she met a man at a soup kitchen her church had started to sponsor. He worked nearby and had just started to do charity work in the local community.
They've been together for nearly five years now and when I see her she looks like someone turned a light on behind her face. She glows with the joy of living with someone who is not that someone the bible tells us is damned unless they repent.
If I were you I'd talk to the daughter in a fatherly manner. Showing her the scriptures that relate to being unequally yoked, those scriptures that speak of how God knows and calls his own to him. Then I'd ask her to test the chances of his ever coming round by suggesting she invite him to church with her. She has six weeks, so she has six weeks to ask and see what he says every time.
Also, ask her to consider asking him to study the bible with her, or attend a bible study group, if she's member of one.
How he responds tells her where his heart is at in matters of her faith. If he doesn't respect her faith how can he respect she who holds it?
Okay, so I was asked by my friend's daughter who is like a daughter to me to marry her and her boyfriend. I am not a pastor but have been given a temp. license to marry in my province. Although I witnessed most of her younger days and even attended a Christian university with her as I was updating my education, didn't expect that her boyfriend wasn't a believer. While I know well what the Bible says about being unequally yoked, I feel I was led to believe otherwise until we got into our third session of pre-marital counselling. I've now realized that it should've been the FIRST question and that I shouldn't have assumed anything. They are living together and the wedding is only 6 weeks away. I asked her what she would do if he chose not to become a believer and she said she chose not to believe that would happen and that she has faith that eventually he would come around...
Is there anyone out there who might have some insight on how to approach it from here? I know it needs to be confronted, I realize the spiritual weight of this situation for both of them and I want to put Christ first. Some would say "Hey, get them married, help them to get out of living in sin" but if he's not a believer... anyone wanna tackle this with me?