aGHHH OKAY. I THIN KI GET IT NOW. Jesus wants us to do everything that He speaks of in the NT, do we give to the poor for God, not man. Do we defend the poor and needy, do we give the things we do not need away. Do we pick up our own cross and follow Christ, do we preach the Gospel to others that don't know Christ, I could go on forever about this because there is so many things Jesus has told us to do. We are saved by grace for our sins, not everything else we do. We don't just rampantly sin as much as we can so we can be saved, doesn't mean we just sit around doing nothing for God. We don't just not prophecy, not speak to others about how Jesus really loves them, we don't just sit around expecting a miracle or something. We have to do things God has planned for us and commanded us to do. We don't just sit and pray all day for the whole world, not saying it's bad, but you have to also DO things for God. We are saved by grace for our SINS, but we have to sin less, and be transformed by the renewing of our minds and not be conformed to this world. Agh, there is so much more man, I don't think I am making sense, I should be sleeping.