How do you know my situation? Maybe I hate technology and money and desire to live off the grid? The smart phone would then be useless to me. Yet, I could still say what I did to my friends in playful conversation and be correct grammatically. In fact, just imagine the blind man later finding out that he was tempted by some guy (who did not know he was blind) into looking at women lustfully. The blind man can then say to his blind friends that he was tempted by this guy and not be wrong grammatically in saying that.
Let's swap with another emotion. A girl can love you, and can even say she had done loving things for you, but if you are not interested, it is a love that is one way. In other words, Rick was loved by Sarah last night. She brought him dinner. Ironed his clothes. Took his dog for a walk. And waited on him hand and foot until he went to bed. While Rick was happy and grateful that all these things were done, he was still not in love with Sarah. But she sure loved Rick, though.
In other words, swap the word "tempted" for "loved" in Matthew 4.