I think you should seek the lord before you make any decisons in haste, I sincerely believe when we take our marriage vows, we are making them before the lord, and yes , he does expect us to honour and keep them, however, I ( and this is my opinion) dont think God would expect anyone to stay in a abusive relationship. That being said, IF you have earnestly prayed, if you have done everything possible to make this relationship work, and you can say you have given 100% and you have took it to the lord, if this person has not changed, made it clear they have no intentions of doing so, I dont think God expects you to keep taking abuse. I myself was in a abusive relationship for the better part of 5 years, I refused to consider divorce, I prayed, I lived for the lord, I sincerely believed I loved the lord, he would see this, he would one day come to love him also, I thought the more love you show, the better they could be, however, the more you try and give some ppl, the more they take. I had two small babie girls at the time, 2 and 3 years old, and I didnt want them goin thru a divorce, having a broken home, still I held fast to the lord, it was all I had, my relationship with God,and my children. After two years of this steadily growin worse, ( abuse), God spoke to me, and told me, If you think its bad for you...as a woman, what do you think it will be for them?....is this what you want your daughters thinkin love is?....my bible says a man who wont support his family is a infadele , or however you spell it...basically, not to mention emotional support, so to make it short and sweet, I let go, and LET God. Im not sayin run out tomorrow and get a divorce, Im sayin cling to God and what he tells you. I clung to him because I knew he wouldnt tell me lies, and I knew he wanted what was best for my kids. Now some 15 years later, I have been happily married to man I feel god chose, not what I in my flesh foolishly thought I could change. Pray...Pray ...and when all else fails...PRAY.