You and your mate are locked in a room with no way out.. A man enters the room and has a gun with one bullet in it, and he is going to shoot one of you. The man won't miss, you can't hide or stop what's about to happen, you or your mate are going to die.. What do you do?
My father-in-law painted this scenario before I got married, and he told me there was only one correct answer to the question. If me or his daughter wanted his blessing, we each had to give him the correct answer. I passed, but she failed
Flip a coin?
Pray for a miracle?
These kind of scenarios can be very complex -
at least "in real life" they are - consider:
The first reaction of the average normal man ( who loves his wife ) to this scenario would be to "take the bullet" -- thereby, giving his wife the greater opportunity for continued life, etc. --- and is quite honorable indeed!
I am quite certain that - in any scenario - I would do my best to protect my wife - "no matter what the [ personal ] cost"...
However - what if, after you "take the bullet' and die -- the man then alternately rapes and tortures your wife multiple times a day - for the next 90 days -- and then kills her by choking her with his bare hands?
Would the knowledge of this possible outcome of the scenario have any effect on your original answer?
When I was young, I "faced" ( considered ) scenarios like the following ( in my thoughts ) many times:
My mother and a stranger are in a lake, both drowning. I can rescue only one of them - the other will certainly drown. Do I rescue my mother, and let the stranger die? Or do I rescue the stranger, and let my mother die?
Simple answer - right?
Are you sure?
What if I am "as absolutely sure as I can possibly be" that my mother is a born-again Christian - and will most certainly be with the Lord if she dies?
What about the stranger?
Do I rescue my mother, and let the stranger [ very possibly ] die and go to hell? Or do I rescue the stranger -
so that they might have every opportunity to be saved - and let my mother die?
I love my mother very much!
What do I do?
Do I consider the "salvation status" of the stranger over the life of my mother? Which is more important in the bigger picture?
The whole point of this is --- life is always more complex than the collection of details ( or variables ) that can be written into any scenario. No scenario is simple "in real life" - the answer to any scenario depends on the
scope of the situation.
"How big is the picture being considered?"
Food for thought...
How did you answer? How did your mate answer?