My husband was watching the news and I caught the part of it where a christian operated pizzeria in Indiana is being descended upon (via phonecalls and internet) by those who lust upon their own sex and want to marry each other.
You know, by these organized online groups that do these campaigns against people simply because you dont agree with them.
Did anyone watch the story on Fox news this evening?
Given they were a small family pizzeria, its highly unlikely they will ever be called upon to serve pizza at any same sex weddings in the future (because seriously, who has pizza at their wedding?) But anyway, a reporter asked about their beliefs and they freely put them out there, that they dont agree with such choices (even as their faith did not permit them to). But Elin put that whole thing out in the last post perfectly though.
From what I gathered from it was that they would even be willing to serve same sex couples (being equally sinners like everyone) who might enter into their small restaurant, so I didnt understand them as stating they would even refuse them service (there). HOWEVER, I believe it was the daughter who had added that they would never be a partaker in doing service (which is pizza) at a wedding (where there was an enjoining the same sex) and because their faith just doesnt agree with what they agree with in that.
And people have their own limits according to what their concience allows in these type of situations and I respect that.
Did anyone see that?