ADONAI YESHUA already 'fulfill' the 'Torah', during HIS life here on earth in Jerusalem and the surroundings, therefore 'preaching' the Gospel of 'redemption' failure to them and teaching the 'beginning' of New Covenant, to the born again from above redeemed people who followed HIM and later when HE was nailed to the Cross, HE proclaimed them as 'accomplished' for the Jews and non-Jews already, because they all belong to Adam and Eve in initial creation in Genesis.
Are you claiming your 'self' to be better in 'fulfilling' the Torah, than the 'Messiach' of GOD sent to fulfill them about 2015 years ago, who have already gave us by the Will of GOD, the New Testament?
Sorry to say this according to the New Testament 'testimonial' faith, that you have been 'beguiled' by satan,as how he did to the muslim's prophet in 'false' interpretation, the 'adversary of GOD' and conformed, further 'testifying' in 'deception'.
Sadly 'testimony' like yours, distinguishes one as an 'outsider' to the lambs and sheep of ADONAI YESHUA, 'the author and finisher of our faith' based on the 'foundation' of the New Covenant.
May the EL-SHADDAI ELOHIM the ABBA of our ADONAI YESHUA forgive you and bless you to be born from above first, in order to understand the New Covenant of the HOLY SPIRIT and by the HOLY SPIRIT.
Um. . . I didn't type once that I am greater than Yeshua. Please tell me where? I follow the Messiah's teachings.
Read that whole passage from Matthew please.
Um I believe He said until all is fullfilled.
Which would include until the prophets are fullfilled also.
Has Yeshua returned? No, He has not. Therefor even if He has fullfilled the Torah, He has not fullfilled the prophets yet.
That will happen in His 2nd comming.
And yes I know about the New Covenant, He wrote it in our minds and our hearts, and then He gave us the Spirit. This new covenant is new because it is written with in us. That is main difference between the old covenant and the new. Yeshua was the sacrificial lamb to cover our sins (what sins? OUR LAWLESSNESS, OUR TRANSGRESSION OF GOING AWAY FROM GOD'S WAYS). Yeshua died so He could cover the death and sacrifice that is require for adultry. Yeshua taught that adultry is not just with a man and a woman, but can also be in the heart. To turn away from God's ways is to be an adulterer to God. And according to Torah what happens when there is adultry? There must be a sin offering, which Yeshua was that sin offering for He had no blemish, He covered it so we could walk in His ways. OH! and on top of that God decided lets make it easier, He wrote it in our mind and on our hearts, that way it would be within us. OH! and along with that He gave us the Spirit as a guide. So many people think of it as God changed. . . NO NO NO. GOD CHANGED US! He changed us, He didn't change His ways to make it easier for us, He changed us by giving us the those things.
God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He never changes.
I don't know which God you serve, but the God I serve has no changed at all.
I do pray for blessing towards you. I have not slandered you in anyway, yet you slander me and twist what I have said.
I will end my post towards you with words from the Messiah
"Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches
them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." - Yeshua; Matthew 5:19
Have blessed day sir.