Don' t worry on my account!
I went through the decidedly unbiblical rituals like " altar calls " and " asking Jesus into your life" of a variety of congregations, some of whom believed in " fast food " salvation get rich quick scheme called OSAS,
Well if you did it a number of times it shows how little it meant to you. The Holy Spirit had not worked in your heart. And that is revealed by your behaviour on this site.
If you think OSAS is fast food salvation it shows how little you knew about it.
It is true that our salvation is determined the moment that we put our lives in the hands of the Saviour, because from then on by His favour our salvation becomes His responsibility. But the process is lifelong and only completed when we meet Him in glory.
So according to you I already am.
Nope. You need Christ as your personal Saviour to be saved.
Then I realised that none of those things are biblical, and it is even less historical, so not early church.
Which demonstrates how little you know the Scriptures.
That the new testament did not drop out of the sky, it was decided by catholic councils,
It was on the whole established by mid 2nd century at the latest. Most churches had the four Gospels, Acts, the letters of Paul, Peter, John and Jude and Revelation. They acknowledged them as Scripture. The other peripheral books took longer in some churches because they did not know of them. All the Council did was test which were Apostolic and confirm the use of three hundred years and more. So you are not really very knowledgeable about what REALLY happened
that the early church was handed by tradition, I found clauses that I. Had not seen that said" the pillar of truth was the church" , which rules out all the modern denominations.
The tradition that the early church received FROM THE APOSTLES was finally recorded in the Gospels. The church which was the pillar of truth was the Apostolic church overseen by the Apostles. So it was the Scriptures that became the pillar of truth because they contained the tradition of the Apostolic church as the later church recognised when they measured all teaching by the New Testament.
I discovered the early fathers believed in sacraments, liturgy , real presence,
Well I believe in 'the sacrament' of the Lord's supper. It is a sacred occasion. And so do all here. So it is not the prerogative of any church. We also believe that every Christian should be baptised. What was NOT taught by the early fathers was the other so-called sacraments invented by the Roman Catholic church.
ALL churches have a liturgy. They conduct their services in a certain way. What they do not usually do is repeat words parrot fashion that have lost their meaning.
The real presence is not Scriptural and was never taught by the early fathers. It is Roman Catholic blasphemy to make God into a piece of bread.
that bishops were needed for valid sacraments and so on, and they were saying this only one generation after the apostles.
Not 'they'. Just Ignatius in his excited state on his way to martyrdom in Rome. He was simply trying to keep his church together now they had lost him. The New Testament has nothing to say on the subject. Each church had a number of overseers (bishops).
At which point you realise the evangelists have got it wrong. And any way, if individual interpretation worked, why do Protestants post reformation diverge on every material point of doctrine?
They don't. They only differ on less important points.
I concluded as countless Protestant ministers and theologians have done, that to study history is to cease to be Protestant. but nobody mentions the traffic in that direction!
LOL only because you studied history as written by Rome. 'Countless' is an exaggeration (something you are good at). Far more have moved the other way.