99.99999999% of the time it is. Yes. However, I am aware of several legitimate exceptions in history and one of them occurred during my lifetime.
During the First Liberian Civil War; the wanton murder and severe violence, constant child and human sacrifice, persistent cannibalism, widespread rape and sex crimes against women and children, wholesale robbery, and lawlessness of every kind were so enormous in the country that the
Liberian Soul Winning Evangelistic Ministries began to fast and ask God to kill the generals and warlords responsible so it would end.
God answered their prayer and the generals and warlords responsible began to die off, often in little "freak" accidents and minor skirmishes that had never even threatened them before much less taken their lives. This was documented by the ministry and the TRC committee which investigated the atrocities.
One of the worst of them, General "buttnaked"
Joshua Milton Blahyi spoke openly about this incident in his interviews (skip to 10:50
Understand however, that such exceptions are extremely rare in history and only occur in environments of utter and sweeping lawlessness, wickedness, and/or total rebellion against God and His normative morality for it is God's desire that everyone come to know the truth and be saved. He wants changed people not dead people.
If someone is causing you emotional pain, you should be praying that God would change them not kill them while taking steps to remove yourself from whatever unhealthy codependent alignments you're in with that person.