Jack, I agree completely with the Old Earth reality ... but I would like to see you expand on this bit
" an old earth, no dino for dinner, and no global flood is not in conflict with the Bible "
Bowman has expended considerable energy on this thread establishing that the bible does not "prove" a 6,000-year-old earth.
I don't see where any of these YECs have effectively refuted his argument.
Likewise, it has been established by me and others that YECs got their "flood geology" from Seventh-Day Adventist nonsense. Ken Ham and Dr. Dino got their flood geology from the father of the modern cult movement, Henry Morris, who got his flood geology from Seventh-Day Adventist George McCready Price, and Price got his flood geology from Ellen White. Furthermore, some on this thread have established that a local flood is a valid interpretation of the bible as much as a global flood is.
Dinosaurs in the bible has not been discussed much, if at all.
But YECs should feel free to bring that nonsense on.
The bottom line is that there are competing interpretations of Scripture pertaining to the age of the earth, dinosaurs coexisting with humans, and a global flood.
But there is no competing interpretation of science.
The overwhelming body of credible science has established that the earth is billions of years old, dinosaurs did not coexist with humans, and there was no global flood 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.
When YECs try to "prove" the contrary via their pseudoscience, they FAIL miserably.